5 Habits To Be Nicer To Your Fellow Man

5 habits to be nicer to your fellow man

A lot of people are convinced that they don’t necessarily have to be nice to others. You’ve probably said to someone like that, “Could you be a little bit kinder to be around, please?” Because even the most introverted and introverted person has a deep inner need for other people’s appreciation, even if they behave as if they need nothing and no one. Such behavior only leads to more negativity from a social point of view.

Being pleasant and considerate to others promotes friendship building, group integration, lowers stress levels  and even helps make the social environment as a whole more enjoyable for everyone, including yourself. A cordial, benevolent demeanor further eases your mood. You actually feel better for it.

The impact of a simple smile or sincere gesture should never be underestimated. Even someone who looks quite sullen, surly and short-tempered from the outside can thaw spontaneously from such a small approach. Try it, and be surprised.

Why kindness pays off

Nice people naturally attract each other. The old saying goes: whoever does good, meets good. A courteous person generally has an active social life, satisfying family relationships and successful business relationships. With the added bonus: there is always something to celebrate or to organize an interesting meeting or event. Such social skills create and protect healthy connections and ensure that, especially in times of need, your network – from colleague to partner and blood relatives – will really be there for you.

group of friends

In the world of work and career, it also appears that likeable people have richer and more satisfying connections with their customers, employees, boss, teammates, colleagues, etc. They also get more opportunities in that regard to develop, get promoted to broaden their horizons. In terms of experience, they also enjoy their work the most, suffer less from stress and are more satisfied with themselves and their profession.

In a broader sense, civility contributes to increased self-confidence, good motivation, stress management and relaxation. In short, it brings, and promises, both personal and professional blessings.

How am I kind to others in practice?

There is always room for improvement, for increasing your capacity for kindness. Making the following habits second nature will undoubtedly benefit your relationships.

1. Don’t pretend you already know everything

Know-it-alls are generally very unpleasant company. Nobody likes to be around someone who thinks he knows everything and who constantly beats you with his or her absolute truths. If others ask you for your opinion, you are of course free to answer from your own experience, but not for the purpose of proving how smart or superior you are.

If you suspect you can help someone, join the conversation discreetly and modestly offer some suggestions without being pushy.

In any situation, if you really want to say what you feel or think about something or someone, do it in a positive, constructive way that really benefits the other person. Above all, avoid disparaging comments and unabashed self-aggrandizement.

2. Do not speak in the voice of bitterness

In conversations, people often inadvertently lose themselves in unimportant details, or currently irrelevant irritations and disagreements from the past. For the sake of your both well-being, don’t blame the other and, above all, don’t take it personally. A conversation is never an excuse or opportunity to get your hang of it.

Kind people do not earn other people’s admiration by reprimanding, insulting them, or embarrassing them with their own problems and negative sentiments.

Don’t take your frustrations and disappointments out on others  or take advantage by unsolicited dumping your own, unprocessed emotions on them, even if the topic of conversation seems to warrant it.

3. Be patient and listen to others

Even if a conversation is disconcerting in tone or content, or if you find it boring and superficial chatter, you should still let people finish speaking calmly and respectfully. Don’t subtly insinuate that you don’t like the situation or that you’re bored.


Give others the time and space to express themselves and show interest by asking questions. This encourages them to keep talking, shows that you hear what they are saying and that you want to understand them.

That does not mean that you should just tolerate everything indiscriminately. On the contrary. If you really have had enough and can no longer listen to someone, you can excuse yourself in the most tactical way and moment possible. In particular, make sure that the other person does not get the impression and does not realize that you are actually fleeing him or her. Admittedly, doing and being nice is not always easy.

4. Be Complimentary and See the Good in Others

Beloved individuals have an eye for detail and are generous in giving compliments. They smile and greet you enthusiastically, ask how you are doing, what is on your mind, say that you look good and remember what is going on in your life.

If you give others your undivided attention and also give them a personal compliment, they will subconsciously remember that you said something positive about them. Even if they forget exactly what that was, they still feel comfortable with you.

Smiling sincerely at people also almost automatically guarantees that they will intuitively regard you as a nice person, even if they hardly know you or only through someone else.

5. Be generous

There are countless ways to show commitment and generosity. Generosity does not always have to be associated with money. It is much more about engagement: a genuine concern and a willingness to help others – in practice, side by side.


If possible, always give more than what you were asked for. For example, if it concerns a business relation, give a little more of your product as a gift, offer them more time, be less strict with the clauses of your offer or give a somewhat larger gift or advertising allowance. Every gesture of kindness – no matter how small – will be noticed and appreciated. Finally, above all, be selfless to children; they deserve it the most.

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