7 Beliefs That Keep You From Growing

7 beliefs that are holding you back from growth

There’s a popular saying you’ve probably heard by now: “It’s all in your head.” Even if that’s true, it seems some of us are losing sight of the great truth behind this. Thoughts dominate your life, for better or for worse. Certain beliefs can even keep you from growing.

The beliefs that are holding you back from growth

Here is an example that clearly demonstrates this. Imagine that someone blindly believes in objects that bring good luck. One day they lose such an object and suddenly everything in their lives seems to go wrong. Can a necklace or bracelet really determine the course of someone’s life? If you think about this rationally, you’ll probably say no. But the one who wears such a piece of jewelry and really believes in its power, will not doubt it for a second.

From the outside, it’s easy to see how such beliefs keep you from growing. However, people who believe in such things do not experience it that way. There will be plenty of people who don’t put their trust in such an object, but who do have other forms of superstition.

1. I’m missing something

This is one of the beliefs that keeps you from growing because it simply doesn’t hit the mark. It is a typical thought of people who do not consider themselves beautiful, intelligent or rich enough. They are then convinced that missing that one thing is the cause of their unhappiness.

That is of course a big misunderstanding. It only distracts their attention from the real problem: their inability to accept themselves. External factors cannot guarantee happiness. Moreover, each individual person possesses a unique combination of positive and negative qualities.

Beliefs that hold you back from growth

2. Thinking it’s better not to feel

Experiencing intense feelings leaves its mark. In some, however, these spores turn into wounds. All these people want is for the agony to end. That desire is so strong that they even go so far as to make the decision to  “stop feeling.”

That is of course impossible. What actually happens is that they dampen their feelings to such an extent that it  seems as if they are no longer there. But in this way they are also robbed of a lot of great experiences. Moreover, in this way a person can also not learn to deal with the suffering that he will find sooner or later in life.

3. Assuming that being better than everyone else will bring happiness

In this case  , others are objects you compare yourself to. They are an overall measure of your ego. If you beat them, you’ll be happy with yourself. If you can’t do that, you will feel frustrated and annoyed. These kinds of mindsets can keep you from growing because they teach you to view relationships with others as competitions. No one is better or worse than another.

Girl in clouds

4. My life is harder than everyone else’s

This is also referred to as the ‘victim role’. It’s a false belief that always makes you feel like you’re living in a worse situation than everyone else. You think you are the only one suffering so much or the only one with so many problems.

It is an egocentric belief with which you try to justify your suffering and frustration. The fact is that everyone experiences joy and sorrow in their life. It is impossible to measure how intense these moments are for each individual.

5. Thinking getting something will bring you happiness

Happiness is above all an attitude and internal feeling. It does not depend on any thing or event. Rather, it is equivalent to establishing a good balance in your life. It also requires you to learn to develop humility, optimism, and hope.

You will not be more or less happy because of something that comes from outside. That’s one of the beliefs that keeps you from growing. You won’t feel more balanced — at least not in a stable, lasting way — by a new car or partner. Happiness can be found in yourself, or nowhere.

Moon in a hand

6. Convince yourself that life equals suffering

You may have heard of this: You can’t choose your problems, but you can choose whether you care or not. Some see difficulties as a challenge, as an opportunity to push themselves to the limit. Others see them as something purely negative.

That second case is a belief that prevents you from growing. The assumption that suffering is normal, that you have no choice in it, that life is a great sea of ​​sorrow, that you just move from one discomfort to another… This only works against you. People who believe such things end up even thinking that a positive event is just an omen that nothing but bad news is on the way.

7. Believing that something or someone can explain your suffering

There are those who decide to explain their frustrations or limits by using external factors as an excuse. They think that if it had not been for their parents, their unemployment, or the injustice of the world, they would have been very happy. From their point of view, it is  the fault of the rest of the world that they feel so bad inside. However, that is not true. Humans have an amazing ability to overcome obstacles — as long as they put in the effort.

As you can see, it’s easy to get trapped by beliefs that keep you from growing. Without realizing it, you interpret everything through the corresponding colored glasses. Eventually you get stuck and lose sight of the wide horizon that surrounds you. Do not allow this to happen.

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