7 Suzanne Powell Quotes For Inspiration

Suzanne Powell quotes encourage our personal growth and spirituality. They lure us into a greater sense of responsibility and a new kind of consciousness. This expert on self-help and Zen philosophy sends us a wonderful life impulse through her words. With this we can, as it were, restart ourselves.

We all know that right now the gurus are on the rise, especially in the field of spiritual awareness and self-help. One could say that  Suzanne Powell is breathing new life into this field. She gives us the appropriate starting blocks where we can start learning and growing. We learn appropriate strategies with which we can handle and magnify our reality, from the inside out.

Suzanne Powell: who is she?

This Irish woman living in Spain is trained in alternative therapies. She has devoted her life to training and teaching through courses and presentations. In doing so, she facilitates real changes — a collective awareness — in people. She thus shapes what she calls a new ethical culture, partly thanks to books such as ‘El reset colectivo’ (‘Restarting the collective’). This is where each individual is able to receive and increase unconditional love. These books can encourage respect and guide a world toward emotional and spiritual connection.

The messages contained in all Suzanne Powell quotes invite us to do so. These little brushstrokes we add below are just a few extraordinary examples.

Painting of eyes

1. About love

This is one of Suzanne Powell’s quotes from one of her most recent books, “Despertar, humanos, ha llegado la hora” (“Wake up, folks, the time has come”). This message is propagated on all pages. It almost serves as a call to action, to haste. It invites us to change position and keep the ticking clock in mind.

A future of harmony and balance awaits us. It is a new phase in the course of humanity that will only happen if we act responsibly here and now. We must understand that love is the key. That is that psychological and spiritual muscle that we need to strengthen considerably in order to overcome the challenges ahead.

2. About Forgiveness

Most religions and Eastern philosophies see forgiveness as a central part of their theoretical underpinnings. Knowing how to forgive someone not only improves tolerance between people: it is also a form of liberation, growth and expansion.

In this way Suzanne Powell teaches us about the relevance of this act from her personal point of view. Knowing when to forgive something also means accepting what happened. You learn from the event or circumstance so that you can move on with your life. You often feel more satisfied with this — and lighter at the same time.

3. About self-knowledge

This is without a doubt one of Suzanne Powell’s best quotes. It is therefore well worth keeping these in mind in your daily life. We often devote a large part of our lives to our profession. We collect titles, technical and even psychological skills that help us to be more productive in our work.

In reality, none of these strategies will help increase our happiness or spur our personal growth. Not unless we first find the door to self-knowledge. The knowledge of how to bond with ourselves is equivalent to the path that takes us to our coveted destiny. Thus it will lead us to what we really want in our lives, knowing where our limits are and our real needs.

liberated woman

4. About what Zen really is

When we think of Zen it is normal for us to look at it through the lens of culture. Perhaps we also think of martial arts, home decorations, gardens, and so on. Suzanne Powell is emerging in this field. In addition to being the president of the Zen Foundation in Spain, she works with several volunteer organizations. In doing so, she demonstrates the authentic core of this Buddhist approach to her readers and helps them improve their lives.

Zen is prosperity, balance for body and mind. Zen is applying a correct approach and a sense of responsibility that allows you to make real changes. Suzanne Powell suggests, for example, that we learn to breathe and thereby learn to activate our body areas that balance our chakras.

5. About patience and optimism

We live in a world that runs on haste and is devoured by urgency. Because of this, we sometimes exhibit a level of tolerance equivalent to that of a five-year-old child. Learning to be patient in this case is just as important as breathing.

This is without a doubt one of the most interesting quotes on this list. We are not just invited to learn how to accept certain situations —  which sometimes puts us at a crossroads of uncertainty. We are also encouraged to learn how to tolerate moments like these — and meet them with optimism and confidence.

Suzanne Powell Quotes

6. About the best example to follow

Can you deny it? We judge without thinking about it. Our minds are quick to judge behaviors, words, actions, and people we know. Moreover, we are quick to judge people we  don’t know. We judge because we need a map to guide us in our environment. We categorize everything and put a label on it.

What use does this serve? Suzanne Powell is clear about this. With this kind of behavior, where some get hurt and others do the same in return, where bad acts are handed out and received, all we achieve is self-centeredness. Nothing grows in this environment. Humanity is not promoted by simply putting a label on everything. If it is our destiny to forge a future of improved harmony, we must start with ourselves: be the best example to follow.

7. About making use of the here and now

Making use of the ‘here and now’ is without a doubt one of the most frequently recurring and widely used ideas today. But are we actually applying this principle — this pillar of personal growth?

If we are very honest: not always! We don’t because we often carry the past with us and worry too much about the future. The present thus becomes a vague concept. So let’s look at one of Suzanne Powell’s most precious quotes: “ value the present; we are responsible for ourselves.

Lotus flower

In conclusion, we are sure that these little wisdoms have made us all think. However, reflection and empathy alone are not enough. Let’s act. Let’s try to actually apply these guidelines in a real, felt and vivid way. In this way we can shape a more intimate, loving and generous reality!

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