7 Traits Of Selfish People

7 traits of selfish people

If you think about the past week, or maybe even just today,  you will surely remember a time when you did something for someone else,  something that cost you financially or personally. You may also remember a time when you refused to do anything because the price was too high.

People are not always generous and we are not always selfish. We make decisions based on several factors and one of them is that moment in the present.

I don’t know how many times I’ve asked myself if I’m selfish by doing one thing but not the other. This question comes up when someone asks us to do something reasonable and we have to decide whether to accept it or not. Without a doubt, there have been many situations where you have asked yourself this question and often the answer is not that simple.

For these reasons, I’m going to show you  the seven traits that can help us on the road to discovering selfish habits and behaviors, both in ourselves and in others. If these habits are often expressed, we can say that they are the traits of people with overactive egos.

1. They show no weakness or vulnerability

A common and selfish reason for not helping others is the fear of showing weakness, the fear of trying to do something and feeling that the action doesn’t really help or matter. The person thinks that by helping someone in need, he or she is showing weakness or insecurity.

He or she will ignore the fact  that everyone has weaknesses and that these weaknesses make us human and necessary to learn and develop.

2. They don’t accept constructive criticism

People who have a selfish attitude think that others will try to undervalue their work and potential. In this way, they will try not to recognize constructive criticism at all costs and defend themselves with irony. It is very difficult for them to realize that they are wrong.

3. They believe they deserve everything

Selfish people are characterized by contradiction when it comes to pursuing their dreams. We can say that they are constantly changing them and they demand all the time that they are valued and recognized as if they already had a long history for that purpose.

They come to believe that they will always be successful because they just are and they don’t care who they have to push aside to get what they want.

4. They don’t listen to those who disagree with them

Selfish people think that the people who are mature and intelligent are their enemies and that they do not deserve respect or attention. Listening and learning from the opinions of others is a good opportunity to broaden your horizons and grow. Do what you want, but never stop listening and don’t ignore things because you are afraid of them.

5. They criticize others behind their backs

Selfish people prefer easy judgments, behind the backs of others. Deep down they fear that they are wrong and so they only judge from a distance.

For example, they must believe that all poor people live like this because they are too lazy to work and that they live on the streets because they don’t have a strong will to go to school. Adhering to this explanation can mentally separate them from others who live in uncertainty, not accepting the possibility that this kind of bad luck could happen to them too.

Frozen Heart

6. They exaggerate their achievements

One of the most important and infamous mistakes of selfish people has to do with a lack of modesty. Modesty is a precious human virtue that we need to grow as human beings and social beings in our environment. Self-centered people will hide this trait and look for a way to stand out and exaggerate their achievements.

They reward themselves with more responsibility when a project is successful, but run away when the project is not so successful. You can count on them to want to call the shots, but only if things go well. Difficult and demanding challenges are not for them.

7. They don’t dare to take any risks

Panic, fear. This is related to the previous point: selfish people don’t take failure into account because they never expose themselves to it. However, they don’t hesitate if they can take some serious criticism themselves if they don’t get what they want. They are the first to say they saw it coming.

If you recognize these traits in yourself and realize that you are not taking enough responsibility for your actions, then you are already on the road to emotional growth. You then realize that you have hurt or hurt the people around you. That’s when you start to grow and take risks. All of these qualities that we have mentioned will change and you will begin to blossom. Stop being selfish, love your life and the people around you.

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