What Your Junk Means

What your junk means

They say many of the geniuses in the world were messy. For example, the desks of Albert Einstein and Mark Twain were known for the amount of junk on them. Everything was mixed up, papers in messy piles, everything in a heap… In short, a complete mess.

But being messy doesn’t mean you’re not a genius,  just like excessive neatness doesn’t make you a better person.

In our present world, time is sacred. It is no longer possible to polish the floors until they shine like a mirror, nor can we keep the corners of our house sparkling clean. Hiring a cleaning service is a luxury that many people cannot afford and finding enough time to take care of the house is not an easy task these days.

But this doesn’t mean that everything just has to get dirty. You can keep things tidy without having to spend too much time on it. It’s about organizing your time and adopting certain habits. But why can’t some people do this? What’s behind their compulsive messiness?

The meaning of clutter

A busy city full of stuff that can also be called junk

In general, clutter in the spaces we live in is a sign of clutter in our inner world. If you’re full of objects, that means you’re full of ideas and unfinished projects. Messiness sends a message of inner confusion, lack of structure and lack of definition.

Besides that, feng shui studies and similar practices claim that clutter has different meanings depending on where it is located. This is what they say about it:

  • Clutter and piled up objects in areas around the entrances of a house represents a fear of interacting with others.
  • Clutter and piles of objects in the kitchen or food preparation areas represent emotional vulnerability and resentment.
  • Clutter and piles of objects in closets represent difficulties in analyzing and controlling feelings and emotions.
  • Clutter and objects piled up under furniture means that the person is dependent on the opinions of others and attaches great importance to appearance.
  • Clutter and objects piled up behind doors is an expression of fear of rejection by others and a belief in being watched.
  • Clutter and piled up objects on desks or in the workplace means fear, frustration and need to be in control of situations.
  • Clutter and piled up objects in the garage represent fear of new things and lack of ability to be updated.
  • Clutter and piles of objects in the hallways means a fear of expressing yourself directly or saying what you really mean.
  • Clutter and piled-up objects in the living room indicate a fear of being rejected by society.
  • Clutter and piled up items in the dining room are associated with a sense of insecurity and being controlled by the family.
  • Clutter and piles of objects all over the house means suppressed anger and that you feel apathetic and have no interest in life.

The benefits of overcoming your clutter

Woman with Hawk

It is not necessary to keep our spaces perfectly clean. Worrying too much about clutter just wastes energy that you can devote to important things,  and makes us demanding and neurotic.

What’s important is that you can live within the spaces we like. It is not pleasant to have to search for things all the time because you have lost them in the clutter. We should not become depressed by looking at the condition of our home or workplace. 

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