Kangaroo Grandparents: Reconciling Work And Family

Kangaroo grandparents: combining work and family

Kangaroo grandparents are fundamental to society. We often see them at the gate of the school and in the park. Many hours a day they take care of their grandchildren while the parents work. Thus, almost without being aware of it, they become the main educators at home.

One in six people between the ages of 50 and 70 regularly takes care of their grandchildren. Of this group, half do this daily and for more than 12 hours a day. These are given from IMSERSO’s 2010 Report on the Elderly. Parents often cannot reconcile work and family life.

The lack of financial resources and the emotional security of the children mean that families have to rely on the grandparents. These are then the most important support network in the field of childcare.

The actual integration of women into the working population has led to their own self-realization and has of course also improved the domestic economy. As a result, needs arose in families for the youngest members of the family.

Thus, the grandparents have become the most important figures in the emotional and personal development of their grandchildren. Grandparents are now at the same level as the child’s own parents or even at a higher level.

The Kangaroo Grandparents of the 21st Century

The Kangaroo Grandparents of the 21st Century

The Kangaroo grandparents of the 21st century take on a different role than the grandparents of yesteryear. The figure of the grandparent as a caregiver and educator has been present throughout history. However, the demands of today’s society make us rethink the role grandparents play.

Increasing life expectancy and active aging programs mean that our elderly have a better quality of life. So they can spend more time caring for their grandchildren.

Modern medicine promotes the idea that we should live longer and better. It’s not about living to be 100 years old. However, it is about aging without losing our quality of life.

Many families also face financial difficulties. This, too, is a fundamental reason why grandparents are the primary caregivers.

Kangaroo grandparents offer an economical alternative. After all, many parents cannot afford to pay for childcare or a nanny to care for their children.

Grandparents often take care of their grandchildren for hours on end. They also do not impose a time period or a timetable. This makes the parents feel at ease.

The integration of women into the workforce

In recent decades, our society has significantly changed the distribution of household chores. Both parents work outside the home, which increases the difficulties in reconciling family and work. So whenever possible, they use the grandparents as an alternative to childcare.

Kangaroo Grandparents: A Valuable Collaboration

The grandparents support the children emotionally. After all, emotional and emotional ties are very important between them. They arise as a result of the activities they do together and from feelings of satisfaction with the relationship.

Grandparents feel lucky to have someone who encourages them to stay active. Plus, someone listens to them and they have company. The grandchildren treat their grandparents with affection. In the same way, this strengthens the grandparents’ confidence and self-esteem.

Children experience the affection and closeness of their grandparents, which creates a bond of trust. As a result, they turn to their grandparents for support during moments of fear.

The grandparents provide experience and valuable knowledge. In this sense, they actually create “a school of life” for the children. It contains respect, values, intergenerational games and love for our elders.

A valuable collaboration

Guidelines for living together and not “abusing” the kangaroo grandparents

  • Set boundaries for the education of the children. The grandparents can educate the children and participate in raising their grandchildren. However, they should not exceed the role and functions of the parents.
  • Show respect for the leisure and happiness of each family member. The elderly should also have their own space and participate in various activities that are not limited to taking care of the children.
  • Be grateful for their help. It would be very difficult to organize the household without their support.
Guidelines for Parents and Grandparents

So it seems that nowadays the grandparents have a very active role in raising their grandchildren. Their help is invaluable to the parents. After all, not only do they take care of their grandchildren, they also teach them many things and love them with all their heart. As a society, we therefore owe them a great deal.

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