Why Drink A Glass Of Warm Water With Lemon In The Morning?

Why drink a glass of warm water with lemon in the morning?

Drinking a glass of warm water with lemon in the morning is a healthy habit. It’s not a miracle drink. But this simple natural remedy is good for your body and your brain. It hydrates you and provides you with potassium. In addition, it is a source of vitamin C. You will also benefit from its alkaline properties.

Much has been written about the positive effects of warm water with lemon. In fact, we can say that very few other natural remedies are so well known. For generations, certain stories remind us that “with garlic and lime in an infection, you won’t even need an injection.” Or “if you want to live a long life without pain, there should be an orange every night and a lemon every morning.”

But what is actually the real truth? Is lemon water as phenomenal as they tell us? The answer is no. A glass of warm water with lemon does not cure everything. It will not make you lose weight or heal you when you have a cold. Age spots will not disappear with this drink. But thanks to its micro-nutrients, flavonoids and biological acids, it will contribute to a better internal balance.

It will also strengthen the immune system and act as a good support for the cardiovascular system. In addition, this drink protects the nervous system. Actually, this simple concoction is something that should be a part of our daily routine. Because it is really worth it.

The effect of warm water with lemon on the brain

What effect does warm water with lemon have on our brain?

Citrus fruits and especially lemons are good for brain health. This is because they contain flavonoids such as hesperidin. This type of ingredient may be useful in general. But it is especially good for improving blood circulation. Another interesting fact is that these natural substances reduce the risk of stroke. The Boston Nutrition Research Center and other institutions have found this information to be true in multiple studies.

Second and no less important is that lemon is high in potassium. This mineral nourishes and promotes the activity of nerve cells. So if you drink a glass of warm water with lemon in the morning, many of your cognitive processes will improve.

It ensures good digestion and easier absorption of nutrients

It can be a bit uncomfortable to drink this drink at first. Because when we wake up, we want coffee, something sweet, milk, toast… You might get a shiver at the idea of ​​having a glass of warm water with lemon in the morning. But in the long run you will notice the benefits. You will also see that this effort is worth it.

First and foremost, it is helpful because it will improve your digestion. The secret is to drink a glass of warm water on an empty stomach. Because if you don’t have stomach ulcers or other health problems, the warm water will relax the abs. This makes the elimination of toxins through the intestines easier.

Second, it promotes a cleaner inner climate so that the body absorbs nutrients more easily. With a digestive system that is more hydrated and more alkaline, the body will use the nutrients from your breakfast more effectively.

Warm water with lemon strengthens the immune system

Warm water with lemon strengthens the immune system

At the beginning of the article, we pointed out that you do not cure diseases by drinking warm water with lemon in the morning. But what it will do is boost your immune system. Your defense mechanisms against viruses and germs will be stronger. Even though the amount of lemon in the warm is not very large, you will still accumulate its nutrients daily.

Lemon is not only rich in vitamin C. The flesh and peel also contain a wealth of vitamin B and several other minerals. This small effort in the morning is therefore definitely worth it. Your defense system will thank you.

It reduces stress

The following fact is interesting. A study from two years ago shows that vitamin C helps to reduce stress. We know that we can buy supplements that contain a lot of vitamin C from the pharmacist. Yet many buyers of these supplements have taken it without realizing that it did more than boost defense mechanisms.

Warm water with lemon

Vitamin C reduces the amount of cortisol in the blood. This helps you to be more relaxed and focused. Drinking a glass of warm water with lemon on an empty stomach is another gift for your brain. It costs you nothing and is a simple remedy. But you will notice the results.

Finally, it is also appropriate that we mention one other minor point. Each person has their own tolerance level for citrus. The ideal formula is the combination of a glass of water with the juice of half a lemon. Also try to make sure the lemon is organic. Because that way you can be sure that the fruit has all its vitamins and properties.

In any case, you should check what the right amount is for you. If you find that the amount of lemon juice is not right for you, do not hesitate to reduce the dose. Sometimes just a slice of squeezed lemon can be beneficial for you. It is important that you are consistent and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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