If You Can Dream It, You Can Achieve It

If you can dream it, you can achieve it

One day, a man and his friend were sitting in a garage dreaming about creating a computer that wouldn’t open, had no USB port, was compatible with almost nothing, and everyone in the world would want to have despite the price and the fact that they didn’t need it. This man was Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, today one of the leading companies in the world. Jobs was the epitome of the belief ‘if you can dream it, you can achieve it’.

Many ideas and dreams seem crazy when you think about them at first, but actually they are not. They are innovative ideas that are ahead of their time, that break all rules and stereotypes and that involve a new way of looking at things. To achieve them, it is necessary to be brave when faced with obstacles, but also not to lose hope so that you can keep moving forward.

Dreaming is just the beginning

A dream is an image that we perceive as real in our minds while we sleep. Sometimes this image is so clear that it seems as if we are actually experiencing it. Sometimes in the dream we can even experience how everything smells, tastes and feels.

Many writers and painters have created works based on the world of dreams. Sometimes the subconscious manifests itself, liberating us from our ties to the real world and allowing us to enter an entirely different world.


Dreaming about things we are passionate about or about a reality we long for is only the first step towards creating an image in our minds. The image is now a canvas that gradually gains clarity, a seed that is nourished by hope and then grows. Dreaming is just the beginning.

Listen to your intuition

Intuition can be defined as the ability to understand or decide in an instant. So fast that we often don’t even consciously experience the process and we can’t explain it logically.

In just one single day, we have to make thousands of decisions: what clothes we will wear, which way we will drive to work, which mode of transport we will use. All these decisions are made quickly, because if it weren’t for this our days would be filled with constant indecision and we would be wasting a lot of time.

Until about ten years ago, social psychology argued that it was a good idea to make difficult and crucial decisions based on a detailed analysis of the situation. Yes, we are indeed talking about those lists that we have all had to make: the pros and cons.

In recent years, however, the thinking on this has changed. We have realized two things: the reality is often so complicated that it is impossible to convert it into a list  and even if you perform the exercise perfectly, not all elements on the list will weigh equally.

We look at successful people and realize that they have left the famous lists behind. The decisions these people made were usually quick and accurate, linked more to intuition. They say things like ‘at that moment I just felt it’, ‘I had a hunch’, ‘I did it without thinking’ etc. Cases like these left psychologists wondering if the rational horse where they put all their wagered money on would actually win.

Today we know not only that intuition does matter, but also that it is often even more successful than a computer capable of performing thousands of operations simultaneously, more successful than following a logical and conscious process. to come to a conclusion.

Intuition is accompanied by emotions and physical sensations. If you want to be able to make a decision, you should focus on how you feel and the physical impact each decision produces. Are you feeling well? Uncomfortable? Happy? How does each decision make you feel when you think about it? Which choice do you dream and fantasize about?

The way to make your dreams come true

The road to your dreams may be complicated, but it’s one that you have to map out for yourself, setting small goals along the way that you can already achieve until you finally arrive at the dream you so longed for. Focusing on smaller, achievable goals first will boost your confidence and show you that you can move forward if you take it one step at a time and keep dreaming.


Self-confidence is an important aspect if you want to realize your dreams. If you don’t trust that you can do it, no one else will either. That’s why it’s important to focus on small, achievable goals that are more urgent, because every time you accomplish one, you’ll reinforce the idea that your dream can become a reality.

It is also important that you be proactive, because this way you will not allow yourself to stagnate in the case of minor difficulties or wait for things to happen without doing anything. No one will come to see you and offer you your dream; it is something that you will have to build with a lot of effort, daily work and hope.

But remember that having a dream is the first step in shaping your goals.

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