If Life Gives You Mighty Beautiful People, It’s Because You Deserve It

If life gives you mighty beautiful people, it's because you deserve it

If life spontaneously throws beautiful people into your lap, it’s because it’s rightfully yours – good things don’t just fall out of the sky.

Friendship — like love — is prone to a cocky mistake: when people think they know everything, or already know. They see themselves as a kind of relationship doctorate, as if they graduated cum laude in the emotion sciences. Yet they often prove unable to reliably read the subtle messages in their partner’s gaze, or to recognize and recognize the suspicion and apathy in the eyes of their alleged (or former) soul mates.

The most blessed connections – for which you are most grateful – are the rare  gems that enter your existence without warning, without notice or search, and then never want to lose them again. The most exceptional individuals do not appear by your side by accident, but because you fully deserve them, because you know their true worth, at heart and soul, through thick and thin.

When we have people standing by and behind us who enrich our lives, it is because we understand how – in building solid social relationships – you lay a foundation composed of, and based on mutual respect, on the magic of moments of shared silence, and of a wordless mutual understanding.


The people who are your home

Maybe that’s your partner, your family, relatives, friends – or, why not, the whole shebang together. We all have – subjectively – an emotional home, a very intimate home atmosphere, where our stories and memories come together, connect, and where the same language is both spoken and understood: from unfeigned affection, to beneficial moods that help us heal. , and grow. Creating such a cozy home feeling, maintaining and maintaining such a cozy home and fireplace – let’s never forget that – requires a lot of care and dedication.

Friendship, like love, should be nurtured and cultivated – day after day – so that its roots branch, deepen, and strengthen, and our bond stands like a tree that can withstand and withstand every storm.

The residents, or roommates, of our personal, emotional home, are like the rose that The Little Prince takes care of with such diligence on his fussy planet, realizing that this rose is unlike any other, simply because it his rose is.


The proverbial ‘cherries in the porridge’ of our existence are angels of people who suddenly show their faces like a jack-of-all-trades. But with whom we walk, hand in hand, into destiny and life, and for how long, only time itself will tell. Because we must not neglect that every house, even sighs and creaks, has closed doors, even back rooms. Everyone’s historical-existential map and life map is marked – here and there – by scars and the footsteps of the past, which make us who we are (have become) now.

However, those who remain faithful to us, and we to them – no matter what – are an inalienable part of our identity, of merging autobiographies. We have gone through the deepest valleys, and the highest peaks, together; we know what the other, and what our friendship, is worth, and why we deserve each other.

Long-term satisfying versus fleeting relationships

The first academic study on the physical and psychological impact of friendship on our health was conducted in 1979, in California, and spanned nearly nine years. The researchers discovered and concluded that a solid social safety net, a close circle of friends and family, with whom we can share our good and bad times, our hopes and fears, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, on infections, stress and depression, is significantly lower.

Regular association with cherished people is extremely important not only for our physical health, but also for our overall well-being. Such beneficial, mostly positive, and extraordinarily meaningful relationships can often only be counted on the fingers of one hand. What is the explanation for that? What’s going wrong? Rather than automatically interpreting this as the result of a defect, or failure, let’s look at the constructive context, the genesis and behavior of such special soul relationships.


People who come and go, and the blood brothers who endure

Thanks to modern social networks, we find – online – like-minded people based on common interests. We start groups and subgroups on Facebook, where we can share our experiences, dreams and desires. The disadvantage of such contacts is that they are often mainly practiced virtually, that they are as superficial as they are transient, or unilaterally associated with only one type of activity, preference or entertainment.

In this domain – of meeting and exchange on the basis of work or hobby – our emotional ties are a lot more fragile and fragile. More inclined to crumble under changing circumstances, and to dissolve – almost unnoticed and without regret. As if it suddenly turns out, and proves, that you were never really connected for a moment , except through the makeshift situation itself – but never from within. Fortunately, getting along – with anyone – is not an absolute obligation.

As you get to know yourself better, and you feel more and more at home, in and with yourself, it becomes more and more likely that those mighty beautiful people will arrive on their own, and will confidently step into your (experience) world. And that investing attention, energy and love in your relationship does not feel so much as a matter of ‘give and take’, but more as a direct investment in your own (and each other’s) life, health, and future destiny.

Some people say, “I don’t deserve to have such wonderful friends or family,” but that’s a misconception. Because we don’t deserve them because of how ‘worthy’ or ‘unworthy’ we ourselves believe we are, but because we value them, because we care about them, because we lovingly hold them in our arms, and accept them – just as they are. to be. In their totality – black and white, light and dark, sun and shadow.

That is why we deserve to be happy, to bathe every day in the heartwarming company of our dearest friends, role models and family members.

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