Life Is Beautiful, Even If It’s Not Perfect

Life is beautiful, even if it's not perfect

People tend to demand far too much from life and even from themselves. We set standards, have goals in mind and have to fulfill various dreams. And, of course, all this is not only good, but also necessary. Each of us needs short-term and long-term projects so that we can feel proud of ourselves, and so that we can develop skills and personal capabilities.

Well, sometimes when we have high expectations, we run the risk of not enjoying everyday victories. However, the humblest achievements are those that matter most: such as love, friendship, and tranquility.

Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful. We know it’s easy to say, but… Are you really aware of it? Or are you still completely absorbed in your attempt to achieve that coveted perfection? Don’t worry, here we invite you to think about it.

Striving for everyday perfection

Girl Sitting In The Forest

Being demanding and driven helps us to develop all kinds of skills, but at the same time, if we demand too much of ourselves, we rarely feel satisfied.

In reality, perfection is nothing more than a dream, an elusive ambition. There is no such thing as a perfect life without ups and downs. Our existence is a merry-go-round of intense emotions with only one goal: to learn something new about our lives every day.

Sometimes we hear the people around us complain about how ‘something good never happens to them’, how ‘things always go right with other people, and with us everything always turns out wrong’ … These kinds of statements and thoughts have always existed and always will. to exist. Well, before we succumb to such behavior, we should keep the following in mind:

  • Happiness is not in perfection. No one is guaranteed absolute happiness just because he is rich, handsome or healthy.
  • Life is measured in moments and, above all, in our ability to open up to reality, to possibilities, to the magic of the simplest details that surround us, and to optimism.

I was rejected for that job I’ve always dreamed of. Am I supposed to be the victim now, thinking I’m worthless, that life makes a point of always turning its back on me? Absolutely not, I am aware that when one door closes, six others open, and for each of these I will fight.

He who strives to have a perfect life climbs to the top to try to reach the universe, missing every day the miracles that unfold before him.

There is one more aspect to keep in mind: he who demands everything from himself, who fights to have a perfect life, drags others along to achieve his goal. A person who strives to have a perfect life tends to set such a high bar for those around him that all he really manages to produce is great sadness.

Life is beautiful for those who go with the flow, for those who are able to appreciate

Couple Enjoy The Snow Because Life Is Beautiful

And you… are you able to appreciate all the wonders that surround you on a daily basis? Sometimes this is difficult for us, we have to deal with haste, worry, inner rumblings that keep us from seeing the magic of life.

Life isn’t perfect, it’s real, and it doesn’t always bring us what we want. But sometimes it gives us what we really deserve: authentic love, warmth from our best friends, admiration from the people who really love us.

Not everyone is able to discover or appreciate that most authentic essence of our daily lives, things like:

  • The light that shines the same on everyone every morning.
  • The buzz of a family, your family, getting up to have breakfast with you in harmony and tranquility.
  • A familiar hand caressing you.
  • The mischievous laughter of your children.
  • A bus that arrives late so that you can stay with your nose in your book a little longer.
  • That health that makes you come and go, run, sleep, swim, love…
  • That afternoon nap on the couch with your pet.
  • The smell of the rain.
  • The sultry sunset on a quiet beach.

Life is made up of everyday moments of subtle calm. It is a language that maintains its own rhythm and that not everyone appreciates. Because some people swim against the tide, are too hasty, with their disgruntled hearts and noisy minds.

Couple Sitting Together In A Tree

Life is beautiful without having to be perfect, because perfection lacks mistakes and failures, and therefore doesn’t let us learn.

Existence is sometimes a stern teacher, but therein lies its greatness, as well as its madness, its chaos and its pleasures, which we have to experience in the contrary without striving for perfection. Simply strive for moments that you can enjoy with all your heart.

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