Anyone Can Become A Genius

Anyone can become a genius

You’ve probably gone through a time in your life when you felt lost, because you couldn’t figure out what you wanted to spend your time on, or because you didn’t think you were good enough to do something. Perhaps pressure from society, your family, and even yourself has made it difficult to find yourself. However, I’m sure there is something you feel a passion for, and you may even be a genius without even knowing it.

Everyone is a genius

Geniuses like Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking didn’t feel at home at school. Their lack of interest made them feel unsuccessful and misunderstood. They all later found out that they had something that could contribute to humanity, from the light bulb to the theory of relativity.

Maybe we can’t all think as big as they do, but everyone definitely has something they feel a passion for, something they can feel in their bones. It’s just a matter of looking for it, giving the best of yourself and finding it, even if it takes a little longer than what’s considered ‘normal’.


If you sometimes don’t feel at home at work, in your profession or even in the classroom, there is no reason to think that you are not good enough. It may not be right for you. Don’t lose hope and keep looking for what you really feel that will make you feel like a genius.

Look for something that makes you feel whole

Being good at something doesn’t mean you don’t have to put in the effort. In fact, taking it for granted that you’re the best at something can work against you. Remember that there is no better fuel for motivation than feeling good at something, but also remember that there is always room for improvement.

In fact, the reward for dedication and effort is much greater, and its effects last much longer, than a reward for something that was easy to do. Maybe that’s the right way to do it: enjoy the journey more than the goal.

For example, if you play the guitar, the result is very nice, because you feel that you are rewarded for all those years of effort, calluses on your fingers and headaches when you are finally able to play the right notes at the right time. When you have found your passion, it is therefore best to take advantage of it and give the best of yourself. With some creativity, it can become your way of life.

The key is to enjoy

As Confucius said, “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.” When you are aware of this, you realize that work is in fact not negative, especially if you can call on the genius within you. Enjoying the opportunities you’ve been looking for is one of the keys to success. It is enough to be happy with the result.


If you look at your job in a negative way, it means that one of these factors is missing. That’s no reason to punish yourself, much less to underestimate your worth. Change your perspective and enjoy the things you are passionate about because that is what makes you happy.

If you feel like you haven’t found that comfortable place in your life yet, don’t fret. Try to change the reason why you have such a negative image of yourself and take the necessary steps. You find happiness when you seek it, and you discover your inner genius, only by taking that risk.

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