The Importance Of Your Attitude

The importance of your attitude

Of all that goes well for you, your attitude is the most important.  Your posture will give you the best shoes to walk around the stones in your path. It is what will make you overcome your obstacles and it will make you great. For good posture is the strength by which we go on, resist and triumph.

You cannot see or touch our attitude, but it manifests itself in your reactions, in your way of dealing with daily life.

Our attitudes don’t happen overnight. Life creates him through various processes. Not giving up, not seeing the shadows on cloudy days, resisting life with resilience, balance and believing we can overcome are all parts of attitude. It’s not just a matter of optimism. We also need to maintain an objective realism  where we can bring out the best in ourselves.

It is not the person who takes up the most space that is the largest, but the person who leaves the greatest void when he leaves. This greatness is forged day after day by having a good attitude, which makes us, as well as others, happy.

My attitude is my armor and a garden that never dies


There are poses for all tastes and colors. There are even ones for every moment of the day. We’re sure you know someone who has an unpredictable attitude. Sometimes they seem combative, and a moment later they are engulfed in such fatalistic dejection that they almost infect us with it.

You may think that our attitudes and our personality are the same. They are related, no doubt about it. Our attitude is present in everything we do. It makes us accept or reject something. It gives flavor to our daily victories or, on the contrary, mows the grass under our feet, leaving us depressed.

Attitudes are determined by a cognitive component, an affective component  and a behavioral component. They are processes that we gradually internalize over the course of our lives and in our experiences, until they define us and the choices we make.

A suspicious attitude, based on prudence, fear of the consequences and the constant memory of mistakes or bad experiences from the past, will make us live in a very closed reality, based on self-protection. On the other hand , those who come to terms with their past in a healthy way, with resilience, and who see life as a constant opportunity, will have a more open and positive attitude.

We also know that it is not always easy to see the whole picture when we have problems and concerns. But it’s the attitude we take in these circumstances that really defines us. Don’t allow your positive attitude to wilt in the chaotic rumble of life.

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Find your best poses and put them first every day of your life

There are days when we cannot go on. When we’re desperately looking for that glimmer of hope, but can’t find it. Or worse, sometimes the people around us cause this kind of depression. What can we do?

As mentioned, it’s not easy to suddenly wrap ourselves in positivity, as someone who decides to throw a magical powder on themselves. Happiness has no rituals or magic, but it does have attitudes.

Attitudes are a psychological construct that can be reoriented, changed and focused on a goal. For this we have to believe that we deserve to get better, that we deserve to be happy again. Change your thoughts and you will change your attitude, to transform your reality. Thoughts create emotions, then motivation and finally the search for a goal.

Keep in mind that the people around us can sometimes have a strong effect on our attitude. Keep an appropriate distance between yourself and the people who affect your personal growth and dare to walk lighter, to walk more freely…


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