The Power For Change Is Within

The power for change comes from within

Sometimes life can lead us down a negative path. We feel frustrated, discouraged, like nothing seems to be going right and we don’t know how to change that.

When we feel lost in this way, when we are plagued by depression and other problems, it is an option to talk to a psychologist. What, however, can give us a guarantee that this will solve our problems?

In many cases it can be very helpful and smart to talk to a psychologist. But if you’re not open to giving therapy a chance or if you’ve already tried it and unfortunately it didn’t work for you , you may want to try discovering your own inner psychologist.

Heavy load

You know yourself better than anyone

When we ask a psychologist for help, he or she must first get to know us. Unless it’s someone we already know or someone in our family, a psychologist doesn’t really know anything about us at first.

Despite that uncomfortable feeling when you have to share all your problems with a complete stranger, talking to someone who doesn’t know you can be very therapeutic. Talking about ourselves allows us to reflect on our lives. This reminds us of the moments we thought we had forgotten.

This is all very important in order to be able to solve problems that come upon us now or in the future. Regardless of these benefits  , a psychologist will never be able to get to know us as well as how well we know ourselves.

Talking about yourself is a difficult process and some people resist it. Very few people really know everything about us and some things will surely escape us!

Feelings, thoughts, dreams… Those are the things that only we know about ourselves and sometimes we won’t share with anyone. When we go through a difficult period, we know better than anyone the reason why we do or say something or what it is a reaction to.

There are things about ourselves that we don’t want anyone to know. Perhaps the problem we are facing right now is related to a certain guilt that we are ashamed of. Maybe this is something you don’t want to share with your psychologist.

However, being able to share and not hold back is an important part of the process and can affect how successful the therapy will be.

During therapy, a person must be completely sincere, but there is no greater sincerity than the sincerity we confess to ourselves.

Positivity, change and effort

No one ever said change would be easy, but anything worth doing requires effort. The first thing we need to do is change our way of thinking and start thinking more positively.

For example, what should we do when we are faced with a negative situation that makes our lives complicated and difficult? What should we do when faced with unexpected events and things that are completely out of our control?

With positivity we can try to overcome and change the difficulties we experience. In order to do this, it is important that we are fully aware of what we are actually going through.

Open to Change

A psychologist can help us, but then we have to believe in the problem and really want to overcome it. If we are not able to do this, then a psychologist cannot do anything for us.

Imagine this situation: someone is suffering from anorexia. Anorexia usually has a deeper underlying cause. If someone does not want to eat, it does not necessarily mean that this person thinks he is fat. Rather, it is a form of “self-harm” used as a defense mechanism when confronted with something that is emotionally painful.

This person may already know that he is thin, but he still wants to be thinner. He destroys himself. This is a sign that he is suffering from something much more complicated.

This person can consult a psychologist or even ask someone they know for help. He knows he has a problem and looks for help to overcome this problem. However, should this all be left to a psychologist? New.

The one whose problem it is is ultimately the only one who is able to solve this problem. A psychologist can facilitate this process, can provide advice and guidance. A psychologist can help ensure that the patient opens their eyes and chooses the best path.

Only the person with the problem is able to show the right amount of effort needed to actually overcome the problem. Only he or she can take the initiative necessary to change the situation and themselves.

So we are all, one by one, capable of becoming the best psychologist for ourselves. These doctors can help, guide and open our eyes… but they are not miracle workers. They cannot force us to change. The power to change, the effort, that’s up to us.

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