I Don’t Have Time To Criticize You, I’m Improving Myself

I don't have time to criticize you, I'm improving myself

Throughout our lives, we often criticize each other. Then we feel guilty about this and become upset, something that we seem to have a hard time avoiding. We feel the need to find balance and improve our self-esteem so that we can free ourselves from our inner prison.

Sometimes our problems overwhelm us, but instead of trying to improve our self-esteem, we turn our gaze to the other person because we believe they are worse than us. When we criticize others, it is usually a reflection of what is happening inside ourselves.

But running away from our problems in such a way is selfish and meaningless. Therefore, criticizing others is a mistake and only reveals that we ourselves are frustrated and insecure. Because when we use malicious criticism, we become toxic. We can do an awful lot of harm to others, even if we are not aware of it.

Criticism defines the critic, not the criticized


We are taught the conventional rules of our society and so we are used to applauding the things we perceive as good and condemning the things we perceive as bad. When our behavior crosses the line and becomes ‘unacceptable’, we suppress it and feel bad about it.

However, there are those who break this pattern and live their lives without censoring themselves. They just go their own way. This is what makes them happy. It’s easy for someone who censors their own life to criticize and judge the people who don’t, but the ones they really have a problem with are themselves. Criticism defines the critic, not the criticized.

Our inner self is reflected in the way we treat others, whether we like it or not. If we feel unhappy and believe that it is up to us to change the situation, we are obligated to do so. But rejecting, insulting and disgracing other people only leads to our own emotional emptiness.

The profile of a critic

Here are some common characteristics of people who constantly criticize others:

  • They clearly lack happiness in their lives. If they feel the need to judge others in order to feel better about themselves, it is because they lack self-love. Feeling good and balanced is extremely important in your personal relationships. If you’re not happy with yourself, you can’t make someone else happy either.
  • Strangers are their main focus. They tend to direct their criticism at people they don’t know at all or at least don’t know very well. This is easier for them than criticizing the people close to them. They should feel a lot less guilty about this.
  • They are generally people who are dependent and insecure. Improving your self-esteem involves starting to feel more confident about yourself. Critics tend to be insecure and need to drag others into their own reality and loneliness.

How to strengthen your self-esteem

Here are some tips that can help you improve your self-esteem and stop projecting your own inner unhappiness onto people who don’t deserve it:

  • Don’t forget your successes and achievements.
  • Accept your mistakes without criticizing or judging yourself.
  • Do not seek the approval of others; look for your own.
  • Remind yourself of your values ​​and positive qualities, make a list if necessary.
  • Accept yourself for who you are, for what you do and how you feel.
  • Leave the past behind and learn from your mistakes.

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