The Effect Of Music On The Brain

The effect of music on the brain

Music moves us, it allows us to travel through time, it gives us strength and it calms us. It’s in every corner of the world – in every sound, every rhythm, every voice. So what is the effect of music on the brain when we listen to it? Well, first of all  , it activates both hemispheres in the brain and creates new connections between them.

The human brain consists of two hemispheres. The left is responsible for logic, reasoning, numbers and language, while the right manages the more intuitive, imaginative and creative functions.

Sound plays a role in the development of your brain even before you are born. Babies can recognize the sound of their mother’s voice earlier than any other sound. Hearing is one of the first senses to develop in babies.

So what is the effect of music on the brain? In the right hemisphere our imagination and emotions move, while the left analyzes the score and focuses on elements such as music notation, rhythm and the meaning of the text.

The effect of music is good for your brain

A child’s brain plasticity is enormous. Music activates both sides of the brain and creates new connections between them. But it’s not just with babies. Even  adults can enjoy these benefits. Although the changes are slower and less pronounced in the adult brain, the connections can still be improved.

Child with headphones as an example of the effect of music

Here are some left-brain skills that can improve music learning:

  • Memory
  • Fine motor skills depending on the type of instrument you play
  • Rhythm
  • Coordination

And right:

  • Imagination
  • Creativity
  • Harmony

Playing music can also greatly affect your emotions, depending on which part of the brain is activated. And how can it help you in your social life? If you activate emotions that promote empathy, your brain will create new connections. Then they will activate new emotions with each new melody you hear.

The effect of music and your emotions

It is extraordinary how many emotions can be activated just by hearing the sound of music. It can make you feel relaxed, excited, energized or happy. How can you make the most of all the possibilities?

Any kind of music can evoke emotions. Therefore, music therapy is a perfect example of everything we just explained. You can use music and everything that comes with it to your own advantage, as long as you choose the kind that works best for you.

listening to music and the effect of music

Music therapy is therefore an effective way to learn new strategies, get to know yourself and explore the emotions that you feel in the background, but that you usually don’t notice consciously.

It can improve your relationships, the way your body moves and your organizational skills. It gives you another way to communicate and express yourself (with or without language). You can find the freedom to explore a new world with your eyes closed.

All this means that music has the power to integrate the two sides of your brain, and most importantly, to make you happier and healthier. So do it, press ‘play’ and let yourself feel what it makes you feel. Dare to discover yourself and learn to flow with music. 

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