Nine Signs You Need To Rest

Nine signs you need to rest

In the whirlwind of life we ​​so often just let ourselves be carried away by laxity. However, laxity is dangerous when it comes to listening to the signs our bodies are giving us. And if we were to rank these by importance, the signs that you need to rest would be very high on the list.

‘I can do it,’ we say to ourselves. We feel obliged to keep going, out of love for those around us, out of a sense of responsibility. We do it to be better people (or so we think). And we do it because that’s what we have to do. If everyone is doing it, then that’s definitely what we should be doing.

But if we don’t stop our ‘machine’ in time, sooner or later it will stop by itself. Quitting before it’s too late is not weakness or cowardice, but rather intelligence. It shows that you love yourself. And it shows that you love those who depend on you and who are important to you.

So how do we know when it’s time to quit? What signals does our body send us to tell us to rest?

Signs that you need to rest

When we need to rest, our body usually lets us know. Ignoring these signals will not stop the problem; it will make it worse. They are signs of stress, fatigue, and discouragement, among other things, and they need to be addressed.

If you notice some of the following symptoms, it’s time to think about taking a break. It’s time to look at your routines, priorities, and real needs. The more you recognize yourself in the signs we describe below, the more you need to give yourself some rest.

Girl with a headache: one of the signs you need to rest


1. You feel more tired than usual

Being tired from prolonged or intense physical or mental exertion is normal. What’s not normal is that the fatigue lasts day after day, all day long, from the moment you get up in the morning until you go to sleep.

2. You can’t get through the day without stimulants

Whether it’s caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, sugar, or any type of drug, cheating with stimulants is only a temporary fix for fatigue. In the long run, chances are it will get worse. And that’s why we need more and more of the same stimulants to achieve the same effect.

3. You find it hard to concentrate

Whether it’s fatigue or any other reason, one of the first signs that you’re ready to rest is that you can’t focus on the tasks ahead. Dreaming, multitasking or procrastinating can be a sign that your energy reserves are starting to run out.

Girl with a headache: one of the signs you need to rest

Our work life

4. You work more and more

Working longer does not necessarily mean getting more done. On the contrary, we become less productive because we become fatigued and are less able to concentrate. And as a result, we somehow feel like we have to work more hours to make up for the drop in performance. However, doing more only makes us more tired than we already were.

5. You always think about work

It’s funny that even if you know you’re suffering from fatigue and overexertion, and you know you need a break, you still can’t stop thinking about work. Even when you are finally able to rest, you feel guilty! Even if you don’t have to work, you keep doing it, if only because you think about it.

6. You are always in a bad mood

Fatigue tends to put us in a bad mood. But when you push yourself to the limit and your body actually needs to rest, that crankiness becomes chronic. If you’re also getting cynical, obnoxious, or rude, it’s a clear sign that you should slow down.

Health and Memory

7. You have trouble remembering information

Fatigue and stress can make it difficult to remember the simplest information. In this way we forget the simplest things, for example where we put our keys. Or we forget to add a basic ingredient while cooking. You can also get confused by everyday things and constantly forget where you put things. This all indicates that you probably need a break. You need to restart your mind.

Girl with a headache: one of the signs you need to rest

8. Your health is deteriorating

Continuous fatigue and stress affect the immune system. Your health is affected and you become more susceptible to colds and flu. You may also experience weight loss or gain and frequent headaches or migraines. Your heart rate may also increase, which may indicate an increased risk of heart disease.

9. You make more and more mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes, and there’s nothing wrong with that. However, if these mistakes are made too often, especially when it comes to stupid mistakes, then it is time to worry. What is initially just a stupid mistake can have more serious consequences in the future.

Stop to rest, but also to think

When we talk about taking a break, it usually means resting physically and mentally. We must purify our minds and let them work freely. Let go of our stress and let our body recover. But we also have to stop to think. We need to rethink our situation and analyze what we are doing and what is actually happening to us.

Girl resting in the grass

This whirlwind of life we ​​are trapped in does not always allow us to think clearly. It’s easy to get carried away and just go with the momentum you’ve created for yourself. However, in the long run this will take its toll, which will often be a long, forced break due to illness. Is it really worth it?

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