Leave Some Room For New Things In Your Life

We all get to this point at some point. We want to change things. Because change will put us on the path where we can grow. We’ve been kicking on the spot for too long or we’re moving too slowly. Then it’s time to make room for new things in your life.

We look at the world around us and feel like turtles. We crawl on while everyone else flies by.

The people in these situations usually start filling their agendas with new activities, things and people. But they don’t actually free up space to accommodate those new things.

What is the best thing to do before making such a change? It’s important that you delete anything you don’t want. Create enough space for the new things to settle in. That way they will also be able to support you in everything you pursue. Without that space, anything you try to integrate will eventually fade into the background.

The importance of the three spaces for new things

Life is a constant flow of situations and relationships. Everything comes and goes. But if you want to achieve success, you have to make room for it in your heart, your mind and your environment.

Clean all wounds and let them heal. Because it’s those injuries that keep you paralyzed in one place. If you cling to things that you are better off letting go of, you hinder the process of personal growth.

The first step is learning how to let go of anything that brings you down. That also applies to the things that simply don’t teach you anything.

Let go of the old. Because no bucket full of mud looks cleaner if you just add water. How many people are dissatisfied with their work? Yet they are not committed to finding another job. This could be due to fear, a false sense of comfort, or a lack of self-confidence.

Some things no longer have any meaning or no longer excite you. If you don’t let it go, how can anything good come into your life?

Physical space for new things

Clean your house from top to bottom. Then you will notice how you react to the decision to let go, even if you are just throwing away something small. Closets, boxes and storage areas are often filled with all sorts of items labeled ‘maybe’ and ‘what if’. But the truth is, you rarely use them, even if you get the chance.

Removing these unnecessary items can be really liberating.

You can give away or sell the things you no longer use. If you don’t know anyone who might want them, there are undoubtedly centers and organizations that will find someone who might want them.

Mental space for new things

So you have cleaned up your living space and removed all material things that you no longer use. The next step now is to clear your mind.

Thousands of thoughts and beliefs about your past live in your mind. They make annoying noises and distract you from your development.

With a clearer and warmer attitude towards yourself, you can recognize the thoughts that are not doing you any good. When you focus your attention on useless thoughts, it is difficult to leave room for new, more useful thoughts.

It is not your intention, yet you are giving these thoughts the power to control your life. If you want to renew your mind, you have to empty it and get rid of all these polluting thoughts and beliefs that are dragging you down.

In that way you will be able to change your belief system and therefore your perspective. In other words, you can give yourself the opportunity to create a better version of yourself.

Recognize your fears so you can be brave. It will also help you find an effective strategy and take back control of your fears.

Emotional space for new things

You’ve probably had experiences more than a few times where you felt insecure, scared, sad, and guilty. If these feelings stayed with you, then you haven’t grown emotionally since then.

Because you got stuck in those emotions. And now your mind and body relive these feelings until it becomes automatic and uncontrollable.

Our purpose in life is to learn and gain wisdom. But if these feelings are holding you captive, then you will really have to fight to turn experiences into an acquired lesson. As long as these emotions continue to cling to your mind and body, you will not be free to move in the direction of the future you desire.

Give yourself the opportunity to express these emotions. Let them heal and then let them go. That’s the only way you can let more pleasurable feelings take their place.

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