What Exactly Are Neuromyths?

Do you think people don’t use all their brain power? Or that left-handers are more creative? These are popular ideas, but there is no scientific evidence for them. Today we debunk some common neuromyths.
What exactly are neuromyths?

As neuroscience makes more discoveries about the human brain, interest in this field has grown exponentially. Unfortunately, a consequence of this increased interest is the misinterpretation or decontextualization of research about the brain, leading to what we now call “neuromyths.”

These myths about neuroscientific knowledge seem to be widespread, especially in the educational world. As a result, parents, teachers, and students have been given certain erroneous beliefs about the brain and about the learning process.

This kind of information bias has led to teaching methods that are not evidence-based. It also leads to erroneous judgments and perceptions that affect the way educators (parents and teachers) approach the learning process.

A drawing of the brain that people look at with magnifying glasses

Debunking neuromyths

All neuromyths have their origin in real scientific knowledge. However , for some reason , people are twisting the information or only looking at a very specific aspect of the research. Below we will debunk the three most common neuromyths.

1. Humans only use 10% of their brains

This is probably the most widespread neuromyth of all, repeated by educators, parapsychologists and advertising agencies, among others.

The myth suggests that people use only 10% of their brains, but you can increase that percentage with certain training or learning techniques. It implies that the other 90% of your brain is basically unused.

The kernel of truth in this neuromyth is that the brain is a powerful organ and because of the way it works, it never works 100%. That doesn’t mean you can’t improve your abilities.

However, the improvements happen by strengthening connections, creating new networks and improving brain health. It’s not a question of “space.”

If your brain were 100% activated, that would require an enormous amount of energy. It would also trigger any kind of behavior at the same time. The brain works by activating different zones that are connected to each other to trigger certain behaviors or cognitive processes.

Scientists have also seen that when you sleep, your brain still shows some level of activity. So you use 100% of your brain, but not all at the same time.

2. You can learn better if you follow your “learning style”

Another widely held belief is that students learn better when the presentation of information coincides with their learning style. People usually distinguish three different styles:

  • auditory
  • kinesthetic
  • visual

According to this belief, you should teach each student in a different way, taking into account his or her learning style. Some schools even go as far as to label children with the first letter of their learning style.

Given the spread of this belief, you may be surprised to learn that there is no scientific evidence to support it. Studies have also not shown that people learn better when they receive information through a particular channel. On the contrary, the research that has been done on this topic is extremely flawed.

Yet it is certainly true that each individual brain is the result of different experiences and biology. It is therefore logical that every individual has a preference for the learning process. But is that better?

What we do know for sure is that when your brain receives different stimuli that are not sensory integrated, it can cause confusion. In that case, your brain has to use more resources to absorb and process the information. On the other hand, when the information is rich and spans different sensory channels, the learning experience is stronger.

3. The hemispheres of the brain are independent and determine your personality

This popular myth claims that each hemisphere of the brain is responsible for certain processes and that they work independently of each other. Another part of this myth is that one side of the brain is always dominant and that determines certain personality traits.

According to this idea, the right hemisphere is responsible for more comprehensive thinking. This hemisphere of the brain is therefore:

  • more artistic
  • more sensory
  • more carefree

The left hemisphere, on the other hand, is:

  • analytical
  • responsible
  • accurate
  • structured
  • logical

However, scientific research has shown that these ideas about the right and left hemispheres are patently untrue. It turns out that both hemispheres receive and process all kinds of information.

However, there are certain functions that are more prevalent in areas of the brain located on one side or the other of the brain. Yet, unless some sort of brain disorder is involved, these areas process information in an interconnected way.

Moreover, being left or right handed has nothing to do with their personality or the way they process information. Being right-handed or left-handed, each person’s skills and abilities are determined by experience and other hereditary factors.

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