What Happens When We Judge Others?

What happens when we judge others?

Whether we believe it or not, judging others is very common. Something that turns out to be counterintuitive, as we often ask others to stop judging our actions and behaviors. We judge and are constantly judged with no way to avoid it.

But the damage caused by this judgment is something we need to think about and think about. We need to look inside ourselves, look at ourselves and stop investing so much time in seeing what others are doing, how they are doing it and why.


How many times have you been misjudged?  Definitely and often. This is why you should avoid judging other people. Respect what others do and decide, because what you criticize so much now, you may eventually do yourself sooner or later. Then it will be you who will be judged.

Your perspective is not the only one

Often we don’t allow ourselves to assess the other person’s situation and put ourselves in their shoes. We think our point of view is the only right one and this prevents us from looking out there and understanding different, different perspectives.

What makes you so sure that your way of seeing things is the right one? Allow yourself to doubt, to accept that both points of view can be good and that this does not make one better or worse than the other. You are not always right. You can be wrong and judging the actions of others can end in a misunderstanding.

It is impossible to know the whole story that lies behind another person. That is why we should not pass judgment on his or her actions.

Think about yourself. How many people are there who do not know all the struggles that you have been through and that have influenced your actions and behavior?

Don’t try to look for better or worse perspectives; they are all good! That which evokes rejection today may seem attractive to you tomorrow. Open your mind and allow yourself to discover new perspectives to expand your worldview. Start to become an open and tolerant person. This will make you a better person and will allow you to understand others better.

Your actions define who you are

When you judge someone, you define yourself. You can voice your opinion, but criticizing or not understanding that other person is not going to help them. Are you doing something good for him? What do you really hope to achieve?

When we judge, we really have no motive other than to let others see the world as we do. But differences are not something negative; they are something that helps us to open our minds when we are faced with different situations. You can’t hope that someone else thinks or acts the same way you do. As we said, nothing is better or worse.

Judging someone can cause great harm to that person. Think of a situation where others have judged you. Did they help you? Did they make you feel better? Were you happier when you chose to go the way they demanded of you?

Judgment hurts and that is why we have to be very careful and stop doing it. We believe we are helping, when in reality we are causing harm. We believe we are guiding, while disorienting the person  and thinking we are doing them a favor.

Stand out

There is more than you see

At this point it is clear that what we sometimes see is not the whole truth. Every person is a world in itself. You have, as we said, situations and experiences that you have been through and that have caused you trouble and taught you a lesson, but only you know and understand that.

Others have this too. They have a life that could have been good or could have been bad. We don’t want to justify their actions; what we want is to judge them. People will have their reasons and while we may not agree, we must respect them. Tomorrow it may be we who do exactly what we objected to.

If you are a person who tends to judge others, think first about how you feel when others judge you.

Throughout our lives , everything that happens to us changes our way of seeing things. What we saw as right a few years ago may now turn out to be wrong.


Be flexible and never judge. It’s okay to give your opinion, but without trying to make people go through life and see it the same way you do. Especially since your perspective isn’t the only good thing.

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