Find Out In This Article What Exactly Midorexia Is

Find out in this article what midorexia exactly means

The age and our perception of age affect how we think and how we behave. It doesn’t matter if we feel older or younger than we actually are. Midorexia manifests itself as a crisis of self-confidence through which a person tries to preserve his or her youth.

According to Daniela Carrasco, professor at Diego Portales University, midorexia does not occur in an isolated manner. Rather, it emerges in an environment that encourages it.

Western society is very judgmental by nature. As a result, this disorder is more common in women between the ages of 40 and 50. They then try to experience their youth a second time. Therefore, they pay more attention to how they look.

Midorexia and Leisure Activities

Midorexia causes a person to try to preserve their youthfulness as much as possible. This attitude encourages them to make changes in their lives beyond their appearance.

So people with midorexia can spend their time making plans that involve younger people. This may include going to specific bars and restaurants or planning an outing full of random activities.

The positive side of midorexia

The positive side of midorexia

Midorexia may seem like something negative or a disorder where people don’t accept their age or resist aging. However, it can also have some good “side effects”.

Midorexia can cause a person to relive their childhood a second time. They don’t allow age to be an excuse to stop enjoying life. Making an effort to maintain a youthful lifestyle can help us avoid getting stuck in a horrible and monotonous life.

Midorexia can actually help us overcome the psychological difficulties associated with aging. It encourages us to live experiences that we would not even have considered before because we thought we were too old.

For example, we can enjoy exotic places. Or we practice extreme sports without worrying too much about whether it is appropriate for our age or not.

In addition, another interesting benefit of this disorder is the ability to make friends with younger people. Following their habits can help us discover what we have in common with another generation. This will also allow us to better understand the younger members of our family: our children, cousins, and grandchildren.

The benefits of midorexia for seniors

When older people want to feel younger, they usually start practicing some kind of sport. Obviously, this has great health benefits.

Many older people tend to lead a sedentary lifestyle. This then increases their physical limitations. It also makes them more vulnerable to disease.

The benefits of midorexia for seniors

Other individuals are trying to go through a “digital” transformation and learn to use new technologies.

It is important that we are aware of our age. Yet it is also important that we regard age as something subjective. Aging causes physical limitations. Except for those limitations, the age of 50 or 60 should not be a barrier to enjoying life.

In addition, we must also remember that life expectancy has increased significantly in recent years. That is why we should try to maintain a youthful spirit for as long as we can.

Midorexia can thus bring more positive than negative elements into our lives. It allows us to enjoy the attractiveness of youth and transcend age limits. 

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