He Who Faces Adversity Deserves The Strength

He who faces adversity deserves the strength

Life will hit you more than once, sometimes as hard as it gets. It brings you face to face with the calamity of a fierce and perpetual storm. It brings you completely out of balance emotionally and also puts your emotional balance to the test.

At first you have the feeling that something bad is about to happen and the sky above your head is starting to get cloudy. Then you find out that you were right. Suddenly you are attacked by a fierce wind that pushes you against the wall and fills you completely with fear. Then it starts to rain and even hail.

When you find yourself in the middle of the storm, the storm forces you to make a decision. You can welcome this storm with open arms as an opportunity to face adversity until the storm blows over again. Or you can let yourself be blown over, defeated, in the perpetual rain. Try to face adversity with your own inner strength and try to keep moving forward.

The light penetrates through the cracks

It is completely understandable that while you are still in the storm all you can think about is the cold, the darkness and the wetness that your body is experiencing. However, we must not forget that even in the most drizzly and gloomy conditions, the sun still shines hidden behind the clouds.


It may seem trite or difficult to put this thought into practice, especially if you’ve just had a bad time. However, the light will always shine through the cracks. And just when your heart experiences the most pain, the most tears will also appear.

That’s why several people have said that adversity is an opportunity to hurt yourself from within. And also to learn why you are doing this. Adversity can also be a way to learn something about yourself that you didn’t know you had in you.

Throw out your feelings

There are plenty of people who are going through something very important that can increase their pain and you might be one of them. It is precisely in those moments when you feel the worst that you are paradoxically unable to express your feelings. Moreover, you cannot let off steam next to and with others. This is a serious problem. Being able to throw out your feelings is the very way to free yourself from these feelings. It also means giving others the opportunity to help you.

When you lose a loved one and this leaves a void in you. When you and your partner just broke up. When you suffer from a condition that largely determines your way of lifeā€¦ Whatever the motive of the adversity wounding you, it is very beneficial to share your pain with someone. Someone who is willing to listen to you and lend a helping hand.

chained up

However, if this is too difficult for you, you can also turn your attention to another activity. An activity that will allow you to let your feelings out. Writing, painting, dancing or any other activity that you enjoy and that puts you at ease.

Remember that the things your mouth can’t pronounce are made known through your body through health problems.

Let go of the fear

In general, the rule is that storms arouse fear in us and urge us to look for a place to hide. The same thing happens in real life. The greater the adversity we are hit by and the abyss we face, the greater the urge will be to find a place where we can feel safe.

The longing for warmth that we experience on the coldest days of our lives is what drives us to face fear bravely. This is the only way you can see the power that really lies within you. Holding on to the idea that we can overcome the weakness we suffer from gives us hope and a reason to live.


There will come a time when you will have to fight, shatter the shell that paralyzes you and take a leap forward so that you will not tumble into the abyss with the fear and pain. This is the time when you can say that you have truly faced the adversity and will have truly earned the strength you have shown. The power you didn’t think you had, but which belongs to you anyway. So remember: He who faces his adversity earns the strength necessary to do so, and therefore he possesses it.

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