Three Foods Rich In Tryptophan

Three foods rich in tryptophan

In this article we are talking about foods rich in tryptophan. The chemical state of our brain is mainly determined by the production of neurotransmitters, which directly influence our mood.

These substances are responsible for the proper functioning of our brains and may be the key to improving our feelings and attitudes. For example, they can help fight diseases such as depression and anxiety.

So today we decided to give you a list of foods rich in tryptophan that can help you in this regard.

Tryptophan is one of the most important amino acids. It is responsible for regulating functions such as sleep and is also a precursor to neurotransmitters such as serotonin and melatonin. Now that we’ve explained what it is, let’s see how we can regulate it.

Why do you need foods rich in tryptophan?

The human body needs eight essential amino acids to function properly. These are substances that the body cannot produce, so we must absorb them through our diet. Tryptophan is the most difficult to obtain.

However, it is the most important of all. In addition to regulating the functions we mentioned above, researchers have found that it has very beneficial effects on our cravings for unhealthy foods. On the other hand , it seems that tryptophan can protect us against certain cancers and heart problems.

The formula of tryptophan

For example, including tryptophan-rich foods in a healthy diet can significantly improve your quality of life. In this article we will talk about the following foods:

  • Eggs
  • meat and fish
  • dairy products

Let’s take a closer look at them.

Three foods rich in tryptophan


Many people think that eggs can raise their cholesterol levels, which may explain why there is still a lot of doubt about the consumption of eggs. However, it was discovered that eggs are not bad at all. They can even have a very positive impact on our health.

They contain all kinds of useful ingredients for our body. Therefore, if you could choose just one of the tryptophan-rich foods from this list, it would be the best option.

Keep in mind that the highest concentration of tryptophan is in the yolk, so consuming the egg white alone isn’t very effective if you want to get more of this amino acid.

Meat and fish

The World Health Organization (WHO) published a report in 2014 discussing the relationship between meat and certain types of cancer. This caused quite a stir as people only started to associate this food with harmful effects. However, the results of this study require a deeper analysis.

Chicken breast on a plate with salad

It is true that red meat (such as cow or pork) can cause a number of health problems. However, several studies show that white meat (such as chicken or turkey) and fish (especially bluefish) have predominantly positive effects for most people.

This means that regular consumption of white meat and bluefish can help a person maintain ideal weight, as well as lose fat and gain muscle.

Another important fact about these foods is that they help regulate junk food cravings. Don’t hesitate to include more meat and fish in your diet – you won’t regret it!

Dairy products

The last foods rich in tryptophan that we will discuss here are dairy products. While many people are lactose intolerant, those who can consume dairy products should know that they have many health benefits.

In fact, the relationship between dairy products and tryptophan is well known. Why do you think it is advisable to drink milk before going to bed? This has to do with the power of this amino acid to fight insomnia.

Despite the importance of consuming these foods, it is also important to keep in mind that this does not guarantee good tryptophan levels.

It is essential for people to maintain a healthy and balanced diet because the production of different transmitters depends on several factors. For example, humans also need magnesium and vitamin B6.

Even though these foods rich in tryptophan are not miracle cures, they will certainly increase your well-being and quality of life. Try them out!

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