Three Personality Types That Make You Unique

Three personality types that make you unique

Your personality reveals who you really are. It includes your physical characteristics as well as your mental ones,  which set you apart from all others. All the characteristics that make you unique. But sometimes we want to be able to identify ourselves with a group of people who have the same characteristics as us or who have characteristics similar to ours. Here we refer to personality types.

There are several theories in this area. In this article, we discuss a theory that distinguishes between personality types A, B and C.  This classification of personalities received a lot of criticism when it was published. And even now the debate continues.

Personality types A and B were formulated in 1959 by Friedman and Rosenmann. These two types were the exact opposite of each other. In this way, individuals could more easily identify with others. However, the current problem that it can also feel like your personality has a little bit of A and a little bit of B was overlooked.

It wasn’t until 1980 that Morris and Creer thought of introducing a new personality type, which they called “Personality Type C.” This third type ensured that people who could not identify with the above described types could still belong to a group. Or not? Today we are going to look at what each of these personality types entails.

1. Personality Type A

You know those people who always seem to be in a hurry? Is there someone in your family addicted to his or her job? People who fit this personality type tend to be very hyperactive, energetic and incredibly productive. They would do anything for their job. This also causes them, a little, to forget their family and friends.

Personality Types Unique

With all these traits  , personality type A is characterized by being very competitive, always wanting to be better than others. Sometimes this can lead to people like this stepping on the toes of those around them to achieve what they have in mind. This can result in a lot of aggressiveness. It manifests itself by being condescending at another’s work and refusing to offer help to someone who needs it.

For people with personality type A, work is something fundamental and indispensable in their lives. It is their core, the center of everything.

These characteristics mean that people who belong to this type can sometimes appear cool, or at least that is the impression they create. They suppress their emotions, are insensitive and always seem strong and secure. Sometimes all this is just a facade to suppress an enormous sense of insecurity. In any case, they are undoubtedly very susceptible to stress or anxiety.

2. Personality Type B

Unlike the type described above, people belonging to this type are very gentle. These kind of people are not easily stressed. As a result, they often arrive late, but this does not make them nervous. They have all the time in the world.

People with this personality type accept life as it comes and let everything go as it goes.

Personality Types Unique

One of the most amazing characteristics of this personality type is that these people tend to be much warmer and more empathetic. They do not find it difficult to socialize as they attract people with their charming smile. They are also very attractive because of the confidence they have in themselves. Usually they have enough self-confidence.

People with personality type B are also big lovers of sleep. So getting up early or getting less than eight hours of sleep doesn’t really fit their schedule. This ensures that they lead a very peaceful life, without any kind of pressure. They don’t even think about competing to be the best. They recognize and accept their limits and feel comfortable with who and what they are. They don’t have to be better than others.

3. Personality Type C

This last personality type is the most controversial of the three, as it describes the most passive and submissive type of people. People who identify with this group feel defenseless in certain stressful or unexpected events. No matter how hard they try, they continue to feel helpless.

This often makes them victims of abuse and manipulative people. This is because they appear submissive and conformist to everything that is to come. They are incapable of making decisions and are even afraid of doing so. Their insecurity is much more serious than the insecurity of people with personality type A.

People with personality type C continuously suffer from emotional blocks that can have negative effects on their health.

One characteristic of this group of people is that they inhibit their emotions. In other words,  they keep their emotions to themselves. In this way they swallow anger, disappointment and sadness and do not know how to express them to vent. This can lead to serious problems and depression.

Personality Types Unique

Can you identify with any of these groups? This theory of personality types is very old and many things have changed since then. It is thus a highly criticized typology that for many is still lacking in accuracy. How do you think about this? Which group could you belong to?

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