Do You Know What Psychosis Is?

Do you know what a psychosis is?
In psychosis, a person experiences a severe change in his or her perception of reality. To improve the quality of life of the person who suffers from this, a correct understanding and treatment is needed.

In this article, we’ll provide you with information about the main features of psychosis, discuss its possible causes, and give you some suggestions on how to deal with it.

What is a psychosis and what are its main characteristics?

Psychosis is a psychiatric condition in which the patient experiences a loss of contact with reality, accompanied by changes in behavior, and has  ideas that do not correspond to generally accepted ideas and beliefs . The break with reality is temporary.

The patient suffering from psychosis has lost touch with reality and is therefore unable to function normally in his environment. The main characteristics of psychosis are:

  • Delusions or ideas that testify to an abnormal interpretation of reality and from which the patient cannot be dissuaded by logical reasoning.
  • Hallucinations. Perceiving things, images, or external stimuli that are not real.
  • Confused thinking or exhibiting confused behavior.
  • Neglect of appearance.
  • Social isolation.

The condition may persist for days to weeks, and hospitalization may be required. However, with proper medical and psychological treatment, the person will regain stability and thus be able to return to their daily routine.

What is a psychosis caused by?

Psychoses can be triggered by a variety of causes, including, among others, excessive consumption of alcohol or other drugs, certain medications, biological reasons, severe depression, highly stressful emotional conditions, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or borderline personality disorder.

Confusion about psychoses

There is a certain confusion about what constitutes psychosis and other mental disorders. Many people think it is the same as schizophrenia. We could argue that schizophrenia is a type of psychotic disorder that lasts for a long time, while the duration of a psychosis is much shorter, occurring over a short period of time.

Certain psychiatric illnesses, such as borderline personality disorder or bipolar disorder, can include psychosis. However, psychoses can also be caused by a single psychotic attack, under highly stressful circumstances such as a traffic accident.

What is the treatment for psychosis?

People prone to psychosis or who have experienced a psychotic attack need pharmacological treatment (antipsychotics) and should undergo psychotherapy. Sometimes it can be successful if interventions are organized with the family. Providing the family with information, tools, and support can help foster understanding between them and the loved one suffering from the psychosis

Many specialists in this field confirm that it is advisable to make society as a whole very aware of the situation.

Avoiding stigmatizing language, offering ongoing help, reminding the person to take their medicine, and being loved, valued, respected and supported can help the affected person more than we might think.

Psychiatrist Roberto Fernández is a personal advocate of  Assertive Community Therapy for the treatment of people suffering from psychosis, as its application greatly improves patient progress and reduces relapse rates.

Assertive Community Treatment is a program that can be applied from the first sign of psychosis. It works by directing the person suffering from psychosis, providing him with continuous care and active guidance in his development. It is an integrated approach aimed at all people surrounding the patient with an emphasis on home intervention.

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