The World Needs Examples, Not Opinions

The world needs examples, not opinions

Sometimes it can be very painful to live in this world where self-interest, financial prosperity, malice and selfishness almost always seem to win the battle. It can make us think that there are very few good people left and that this small group of people can do next to nothing for this world.

Good people, however, are the people who balance this world, who complete the puzzle with sincerity, honesty and good actions.

The world that hurts us: our world

Some images can hurt, really hurt us and cause our souls to get upset. Even if we are able to close our eyes to our own pain, the pain of others will still haunt us. There are situations where injustice hits us in the face like a sudden fit of shame.

Unfortunately, many of the things that hurt us today will be forgotten tomorrow. See the picture that depicts these words as the perfect example; the image of misfortune, shame and torment.

Child with Angel Wings

We are not good at remembering important things

Thanks to the internet, we can open our eyes and see that the strings we hold are far more cruel than we can actually tolerate. Probably even these words and images hurt us and make us feel uncomfortable, but misfortune goes viral on the internet just as quickly as it is forgotten again.

We all have our opinions; however, when we weigh our actions and intentions against each other at a later time, our intentions will win. We are afraid of ideas that can disrupt things and we are really afraid that the importance of those who control this world is greater than our unity.

Our emotions want to influence a world that we still fear. Even if this is so, if our words are carried by the wind, there is still no hurricane that can drag our feelings along. They may become less strong, but they will always stay with us and prevent our indifference.

Let’s not justify ourselves with words, let’s not look the other way

Perhaps we have become trapped in a spiral that makes us feel empty. Yet I still have faith in man. I still have faith in our ability to believe and act on our beliefs.

As humans, we have a great ability to justify ourselves with words. To share our opinion. Often we fill a sentence with feeling, but in the end our fear instead of our actions wins the battle.

When we come face to face with injustice, we cannot protect ourselves with the mask that hides our frustration. We must speak our minds and avoid closing our eyes; we must forgive ourselves and take action.

Walk over Line

By not acting, we corrupt our conscience. Injustice can be so fierce that it can blind us. We must not allow this just so that we can flee from it; we must fight against those who create the misfortune in the world. If we act, we can serve as examples instead of more people just expressing their opinions.

The world is a home for everyone who lives in it. The fact that the world was there before we were born and will be there for a long time when we leave it, does not mean that we are not responsible for what exists in the world.

Children dying of hunger. Refugee families being torn apart. Raped women. Murdered soldiers. People with the same genes as you, who live as slaves and sew your clothes. Tortured animals. Destroyed nature. Governments, the rich and mafiosi who play games with you, make up needs, hide interests and sit back comfortably.

This is all much more than an opinion. It is because of these things that the world needs your example, your action, your fight. The world needs people like you and me to rob it of its breath, turn it around and let it breathe again.

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