3 Key Questions To Help You Get To Know Yourself Better

3 key questions that will help you get to know yourself better

How can we get to know ourselves if we don’t even know who we are? Can we know where we are going if we don’t really know ourselves? Is it possible to know who we want by our side if we don’t know where we are going? These three key questions will help you get to know yourself better. Who am I? Where am I going? Who accompanies me on my way?

In this article, we’ll take a look at these questions and the possible answers. These answers will make us think about what we are doing right now and how we will act from now on. In addition, these answers will also serve as the three fundamental points for the compass of our lives.

3 key questions

Who am I?

So let’s start with this delicate exercise of introspection. Have you ever asked yourself who you are? Have you ever described yourself?

Was it so accurate that people immediately recognized you when they read that description? It is indeed a difficult task, but not impossible. We want to start by noting how important it is that you know yourself.

Who am I

Knowing who you are means knowing your strengths and weaknesses. You also know what you like and don’t like. You truly know yourself when you can connect with what you feel inside, with your thoughts and emotions.

That way you can know who you are. You respect and value yourself. At the same time, you prioritize yourself over all other important things.

This is one of the key questions you should be able to answer. After all, it will help you get to know yourself better. The reason is that you then spent some time thinking about it.

You can describe yourself. You also know that you are more than what you own, more than the burdens you carry and more than your emotions. You are more than all that surrounds you because you are you!

Where am I going?

This is another one of the important key questions. Once we know who we are, it’s important that we know where we’re going. In other words, I need to know what I’m spending all my resources on.

Do I really like all the projects I’m involved in? To what extent have I decided where I am? What control do I have? Do I know what I want? What are my goals? Where does my path begin? Which direction do I take?

The value of these questions is that you know that your decisions will put you on a path where suffering and disappointment are not the main protagonists. It involves knowing the true value of the resources you have. That way you can get your priorities straight.

With whom?

Do I really know who I want to be with? Do I decide who I spend my time with? Do I rely on people to achieve the goals I have set for myself? After all, it is often our shortcomings or our needs that force us to rely on others. Sometimes this can cloud our judgment.

This is the third of the key questions that will help you get to know yourself. Are you able to know who you are and where you are going? Then you have to choose someone who can support you on your way and help you if necessary.

On the other hand, you should stay away from people who can be burdensome (or at least make sure you don’t involve them in important projects). After all, it’s wise to keep close to those people who care about you and who can tell you what they think without obscuring it.

Who do I want by my side

Getting to know yourself better

We need to know who we are. Then we find out where we are going and finally with whom. However, it must be done in that order. If we don’t do it that way, we run the risk of getting confused. We then allow others to decide our path.

When you know who you are, you are ready to make decisions. You can then start or continue on the path you have chosen. This path has its highs and lows. When you’ve managed to see what’s inside and figure out what direction you’re taking, then you’re ready to share what’s inside of you.

You can also share the burden that you carry with you. What does this mean? May you be ready to open your arms and receive anyone who has something positive to add to your life. And at the same time you will be able to enrich the people around you.

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