The Myth Of Medusa And Perseus

The myth of Medusa and Perseus revealed some very interesting symbols. Medusa represents a woman cornered by the feminine power and Perseus is the symbol of one who manages to overcome fear by projecting it into a mirror.
The myth of Medusa and Perseus

For some people, the myth of Medusa and Perseus is a metaphor for agony and how it is actually possible to save oneself from it through art.

For others, on the other hand, it represents a feminine myth, in which battered women are seen as monstrous. This image is without a doubt terrifying and baffling to all who behold it.

There are different versions of the myth of Medusa and Perseus. However, the most classic tells that both had tragic backgrounds. Medusa was one of the three Gorgons, all daughters of Phorcys and Ceto. Of the three, Medusa was the most beautiful and also the only one who was mortal. Her beauty caused admiration from both gods and people.

Some say she intrigued Poseidon so much that he raped her on the marble in the temple of Athena. However, Athena did not tolerate this desecration and decided to turn Medusa into a terrible monster, like her sisters. She gave her metal hands and sharp teeth. Suddenly Medusa’s beautiful hair turned into snakes.

Moreover, she gave her eyes which shone a terrible light. From then on, anyone who looked at her face would turn to stone. Finally, she exposed her to the world of the living. Medusa was pregnant. From that moment on, she became one of the most feared monsters.

A woman dressed as Medusa

The History of Perseus

The myth of Medusa and Perseus tells that, through an oracle, the king of Argos discovered that his daughter’s son was going to kill him.

To prevent this prophecy from coming true, he locked his daughter Danae in a watertight bronze chamber that he placed in an underground place. However, Zeus was in love with her. He impregnated her by turning into a golden rain, which penetrated the room.

Later Perseus was born. Through his crying, the grandfather found out what had happened. The king decided to lock Danae and Perseus in a wooden box and throw them into the sea. The two were rescued on an island. Perseus grew up to be a beautiful young man who wanted to stay with his mother. Then Perseus promised to kill Medusa.

Athena, still harboring an old grudge against Medusa, offered to help him, as did Hermes. They led him to the Graeae. These were three prophetic elders, relatives of Medusa, who had only one eye and one tooth to share.

In a moment when they didn’t notice, Perseus stole the eye and the tooth. To get the eye and the tooth back, they had to show Perseus the way to the nymphs.

The Powers of Perseus

The myth of Medusa and Perseus tells that when the brave young man came to the nymphs, they gave him winged sandals so that he could fly through the air.

They also gave him Hades’ helmet, which was made of dog skin. Whoever wore it would become invisible. Then they also gave him a saddle bag. Meanwhile Hermes gave him a sharp sickle and a shining shield.

Perseus was fully armed and ready to go in search of the Gorgons. Along the way he saw many stone statues. Interestingly enough, they were the bodies of those who had previously visited the site and looked Medusa in the eye. He knew he had to be careful, so he decided to wait for the right moment.

When the Gorgons fell asleep, Perseus placed his radiant shield in a strategic position so that Medusa’s face would be reflected in it. That way he could avoid looking her in the eye.

When she appeared, he took his sickle and cut off her head with a single cut. The horse Pegasus and the giant Chrysaor came out of her body. It was the children she was pregnant with.

A statue of Perseus with the head of Medusa

The myth of Medusa and Perseus, a beautiful story

The myth of Medusa and Perseus says that the young hero later gave Medusa’s head to Athena, who used it on her shield. Surprisingly, despite everything, her head did not lose its strength.

He put it in the saddle bag he was carrying and thanks to that he was able to face monsters and enemies. He took out Medusa’s skull only to turn anyone who saw him into stone.

The myth of Medusa and Perseus is said to be symbolically related to art. The Perseus shield, in particular, is a way of indirectly facing fear, which is what art actually does: it reflects. It allows us to look fear in the eye, but at the same time it prevents it from paralyzing us.

Similarly, Medusa’s head becomes Perseus’ main weapon. This can also be seen symbolically. It is with art that we can face those demons and internal enemies from within. Medusa’s head would be the work, the result, the product of creation.

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