Five Tips For When You Are Looking For A New Job

Five tips for when you're looking for a new job

Have you ever had to look for a job? These days it may be a little more difficult to find a job because there are more people looking for a new job than there are jobs available.

Looking for a job can bring many health benefits. Indeed , there would be a negative link between unemployment and health. This is a fact that many studies support. Working offers many psychological benefits and allows us to come into contact with other people.

The consequences unemployment can have on your health

Unemployment can have negative effects on both physical and mental health, such as:

Increased mortality

Many studies show a link between unemployment and increased mortality. They show that the risk of death from any cause increases by 63% among the unemployed.


The relationship between unemployment and an increased suicide rate has been known for some time. Unemployment is therefore one of the risk factors for suicide. A recent study shows that a 3% increase in unemployment in Europe will result in a 4.45% increase in suicide deaths.

Less good health

An analysis of the results of self-perceived health surveys suggests that unemployment also influences people’s perception of their own health.

A study evaluating self-perceived health in a region of Italy found that the regions in which the population claims to be health deprived coincided with the regions with higher unemployment rates.

Man is worried about his job

Poorer mental health

Mental health problems are also linked to unemployment. Unemployed people often suffer from mood disorders. Unfortunately, depression tops the list.

Increased alcohol consumption

Unemployment can lead to addiction. It is the spark that lights the fire. An unemployed person may feel the need to escape from his current situation. This can make him vulnerable to stimuli that provide an adrenaline boost, such as gambling, or that alter his perception of reality, such as alcohol.

A study in the United States of America found that alcohol consumption among the unemployed is on the rise. A European study reported that a 3% increase in unemployment will increase alcohol-related deaths by 28%.

These are just a few examples of the damaging effects unemployment can have on our health.

Five tips that can help you when you’re looking for a new job

Looking for a job is like building a building. Where on earth do we start? It seems obvious to say that we should start with the foundation. Without a good foundation, our building can collapse.

When it comes to looking for a job, it is therefore especially important to have sufficient self-knowledge. You need to ask yourself questions like, “What do I have to offer?” Or “Why would anyone want to hire me?” You need to know how you are at work and have a clear idea of ​​your own professional goals.

Know yourself

To better understand how you work yourself, you can do a simple exercise. This exercise will help you get to know yourself better and discover areas where you can improve.

The exercise involves writing down your own strengths and weaknesses. Examples of strengths are: ‘I am organized’, ‘I like to listen to others’ and ‘I can do many things at once’. The same strengths become weaknesses if you don’t have them.

Man writes cover letter

Make sure you develop the right attitude

Searching for a new job is not easy. Sometimes you may think you’ve made some progress only to find that you’re just back to square one. Never give up, that’s the most important thing, even though you will encounter ups and downs along the way.

To develop the right attitude, it is very important to avoid negative thoughts, smile and appreciate small things. It is also important not to compare yourself to others. You are a unique and amazing being.

Make sure you have enough perseverance

Any goal we want to achieve requires effort on our part. And effort requires persistence and perseverance. If we persevere, we feel better. To help yourself persevere, try reminding yourself from time to time about how much it will benefit you from getting a job.

Be patient

Being impatient is harmful to our mental health. Impatience can cause a lot of frustration and lead to pessimism. It would therefore be very beneficial to learn to be a little more patient. Patiently looking for a job will make it easier to push yourself one step at a time until you reach your goal.

Woman during a job interview

Make a good plan

Planning is just as important as patience and perseverance. Some people also say that looking for a new job is actually a job in itself. And this job requires a good plan.

It doesn’t make much sense to do all kinds of things in isolation, because they won’t produce the desired results. To ensure that you will succeed, it can therefore help to draw up a good plan in advance.

Hopefully, these five tips will help you find a new job faster. We also recommend that you do not feel ashamed of being unemployed and tell those around you that you are looking for a job. This can lead to many opportunities. If you are currently looking for a new job, we wish you the best of luck!

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