“You Can Count On Me”: People Who Can Save Your Life

“You can count on me” are five words that give us courage at times when we seem to get lost. In this article, we are talking about these priceless words.

Some people can save lives in times of need. The people who say “you can count on me” and who are always there for you. They are wonderful people who provide you with company and a safe haven.

Sometimes you need them. Sometimes you are more independent, although you always like to have their support. Now what is the real role they play in your life? That is what we are going to analyze in this article. In addition, we will look at what these people are like and what current studies say about them.

How are the people who say “you can count on me”?

Every person is unique. Those who say to you “you can count on me” are always there for you when you need them. Although they are not always physically present, they give you their support and help you when they can.

However, being able to count on someone does not mean that they are always there. No one can be with you all the time. However, they can help you in a variety of ways, regardless of distance.

Some people may give you more time in your relationship with them. Even though they support you, they also respect your space. In other words, they set boundaries. Professional people do the same. Even though it is their job to help you (a counselor for example), they also have their own needs to think about.

In addition, there are others who are really there for you when you need them. This can be very beneficial for you, but it can also be very tiring for the person giving you their time. This is because they sacrifice their own needs to be there for you.

The importance of people to count on

Sometimes you may think that it is not important to have the support of other people. It is, however. A lack of support from others can even directly affect your health.

While you can also decline the help of others, it doesn’t necessarily mean that their help is useless to you. You can also refuse their help for other reasons. For example, out of shame or fear of making yourself vulnerable. Still, having their support can significantly improve your quality of life.

Man develops in different areas, including the psychosocial area. This area is concerned with the bonds we form with other people. It is important because it allows you, among other things, to have more security, to feel protected, to develop empathy, to express what you feel and to motivate yourself.

In addition, your level of psychosocial satisfaction influences other aspects of your development:

  • physical
  • emotional
  • cognitive
  • spiritual

That’s why having people say “you can count on me” can really improve your well-being.

However, not all people who say this to you will have a positive impact on your life. The important people are the ones with whom you can develop healthy relationships, the ones who give you support and love, while respecting the boundaries you set.

Why is the current study placing the emphasis on this type of support?

Health is defined by the World Health Organization as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.”  Therefore, having people who provide this can indeed improve your well-being. However, these three aspects are all important and intrinsically linked.

Several researchers are currently studying this. Nunes Baptista, Rigotto, Ferrari Cardoso and Marín Rueda have published an article in which they suggest that there are differences in the perception of social and family support among men and women. As a result, it affects a person’s sense of well-being and, therefore, self-esteem.

Other studies focus on health and its relationship with social support. Lemos Giráldez and Fernández Hermida discuss this issue in their article published in the Spanish magazine Psichotema.

In this article, they examine the impact of social support on health and suggest that this support could be critical in the development of some conditions.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Having someone to help you is always positive, especially when you really need it. Asking for help in no way makes you inferior to others. It shouldn’t affect your dignity at all. In fact, in many cases it is an exercise in intelligence and courage.

Moreover, if you can offer support to someone who could not see a way out of his problem, it will give you the satisfaction that you were able to help him move on with his life. Helping that person can change their whole outlook on life.

Your words, a hug, or other actions or gestures can bring light to someone who is in the deepest abyss. Everything can start with the simple sentence, “You can count on me.”

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