Stop Counting The Years And Fulfill Your Dreams

Stop counting the years and fulfill your dreams

They say the years go by like smoke escaping through an open window, drawing pictures in the air, until it dissolves little by little. But  humans are neither smoke nor wind; we are breath, we are sighs, we are life lived  and dreams to achieve each day. So, stop counting the years and fulfill your dreams!

What do you think is the best age for a human? In fact, there is no exact year that symbolizes the perfect balance, because  what the youth does not know, adulthood observes  and what adulthood sometimes longs for, immature youth has.

The best age is when you stop counting the years and start fulfilling the dreams and this takes a little courage, a drop of daring and at the same time  the will to face the many fears that have been obstacles on you all those years. to let go of the path.

Sometimes we inundate ourselves with a million excuses, with those pebbles in our shoes that keep us from following the path to our dreams: “Well, now is not the right time. Well, my partner doesn’t think it’s a good idea. Well, I’m getting rejected anyway. Well, something tells me that no matter how much I want something, I won’t get it.”

Sometimes we are very skilled craftsmen when it comes to clipping our own wings. Limiting thoughts, prejudices and insecurities are sometimes the real “free radicals” in life, which can make us feel old inside. We then feel older than we really are.

Being young at heart is an art that we should all practice, because the  authentic purpose of life is to know how to live life in the most intense way,  with hope and passion, and try to fulfill all your dreams with the fingertips. to touch.

How old is your heart?


The best age is when you feel good just the way you are, with what you have and with all that you can still achieve, because anyone who has no dreams lives like a dead man. He who has no dreams allows no magic in his heart and no light in his mind.

The worst of all tragedies is when you don’t age, when you don’t see a single wrinkle on your face or have a kilo around your hips. Real grief is a life not lived, if these wrinkles don’t tell stories, if the hips don’t move in a million years…

Tell us…  How old is your heart? If it’s full of plans and keeps pumping it with a happy vigor because you’ve already fulfilled a small part of your dreams, you can rest assured that you’re at your best age. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

That said, it is clear that  it is not always easy to achieve these things that we “personally dream”. There are those who may laugh at it and tell us that they are not dreams, but fantasies and that these fantasies are for children. You just have to ignore those things.

Only children know the true value of life, for their eyes are filled with curiosity, innocence and a desire to experience things. The boundaries don’t come until we get older and include:

  • The influence of third parties. Sometimes these are family members or our partners. People who are close to us and mean a lot to us, who take it upon themselves to take our hopes away from us and cut the ties with our wishes… And we allow this!
  • Limiting thoughts,  the kind we put on ourselves with ideas like “I’m not good enough”, “I’m not worth it”, “It won’t end well” and especially the dangerous “Now is not the right time, it is better if I settle for what I have now…”.  But the right day will never come…
  • Insecurity. What if I make a mistake? Obviously,  sometimes we have to get out of our comfort zone to pursue our dreams.  Always keep in mind that true dreams are written in our hearts with a more permanent ink… It’s worth getting out of your comfort zone for this!
Feeling young

How to shine at any age

Don’t be afraid to get older. What should really worry us is not achieving some of our dreams  because after all we are made of that oh so magical material, fragile and motivating at the same time.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath, convincing yourself that life is challenging and full of passion, that all that you have yet to experience is the best and that it must start here and now.

Being free

What are the instructions for reaching your best age beautifully?

  • Have fun:  whatever it may be, always do what you are passionate about, what defines you and what your heart enjoys.
  • Don’t hurt anyone:  Live every day of your life with intensity, but be careful not to hurt anyone, while protecting yourself.
  • Don’t accept loss:  don’t give up. Never turn your back on a closed door. The trains continue to run for anyone who gives them space and wants to try not one, but several.
  • Make an effort to be happy:  we assure you it will cost you nothing. Sometimes it’s just a matter of prioritizing…

–Images courtesy of Mariana Calacheva, Isabelle Desrochers, Sylvie Daigneault– 

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