Life Is Too Short For The Wrong Job

Life is too short for the wrong job

Life is too short for the wrong job,  to put all your time and energy into something that will only make you unhappy, lead to fear and frustration instead of giving you your identity and well-being.

We all know how complicated it is to find the “ideal job” these days, a job we identify with and have studied for. In fact, in most cases we are happy to have a job at all, whatever it is, because social and economic trends have changed so much  and the demand for work does not reflect the number of jobs available.

Even though you make money, being in the wrong job can make you feel apathetic and hopeless.


Life with the wrong job

Many of us  may have one wrong job after another until we finally find a job we can identify with  that makes us happy. But it’s even more complicated when we spend an entire workday focusing on one task or activity that makes us feel frustrated instead of allowing us to grow.

According to research conducted by the University of Rhode Island, you can feel satisfied with your job, even if it’s not the job you studied for. Job satisfaction is based on performance and quality of life.

On the other hand, as many of us have experienced at one point or another, being in the wrong job for an extended period of time can lead to many different, difficult situations.

The consequences of the wrong job

  • You feel as if you are not contributing to anything, not in your work environment or in society, or for yourself.
  • Frustration, stress and a low quality of life  that affect your personal relationships.
  • The feeling as if you are standing still, as if you are not moving forward in any direction.
  • The lack of recognition from your colleagues and support from the organization for the work you do.
  • A decrease in your self-confidence when you see little or negative results after a big performance. This happens on both an economic and personal level.
Looking forward

The combination of capacity and the vocation to find the ideal job

We know that it is not easy to find the ideal job or at least to find a job that makes us feel good about ourselves and our contribution to society. In a way  we have to adapt to the changing environment or at least offer something innovative that can be demanded by the environment.

It’s not an easy thing to do and that’s why it’s worth reflecting on an interesting point from Professor Sir Ken Robinson, from his book  The Element. The Element  is the point where the things we are good at and the things we like come together. This is the best starting point for finding a satisfying job.

If you don’t learn to make mistakes you’ll never come up with something original

If you keep ending up in the wrong job, this also has a positive effect: you discover where your limits are, what you are willing to accept and what you do not want to accept.

Another thing to keep in mind is that  we have to accept our mistakes and our limits. However, it is also important to remember that to be creative you must be active, receptive to your environment and reflective – and you must connect with yourself and everything around you.

Your life is not determined by what happens to you, but by how you react to it

When some people get fired, they get stuck, not knowing how to respond or in which direction to go. The way you respond to this situation will set your direction for the course of your life.

You can be lucky at some point, of course, but you have to take advantage of the moments of happiness, as well as the moments of adversity. Rather than being idle, you should stimulate your intuition, create possibilities, and reframe your ideas, values, and perspectives.

To travel

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