Seven Stephen King Quotes That Will Inspire You

Seven Stephen King quotes that will inspire you

Stephen King is one of the greatest authors alive today. Over a period of thirty years, he has created a literary world rich in characters, stories and emotions.

Although his literature is mainly based on psychological anxiety, there are still a few quotes that have managed to inspire us. That is why we would like to share these quotes with you so that they can have the same effect on you.


1. “The scariest moment is always right before you start.”

How many times have you been overcome with fear just at the thought of all the things you still had to do, ranging from declaring love to someone to jumping out of a plane? The moment just before you have to do something is full of adrenaline and feelings.

We cannot deny that these kinds of experiences arouse conflicting emotions in us. What’s especially important is that we take the plunge and don’t let fear hold us back.

Once you get started and take the first steps to pursue your dreams, you will experience a lot of anxiety. However, keep going and don’t stop!

2. “Fiction is the truth hidden in the lie.”

This is a great quote from Stephen King that talks about the value of fiction. We often tend to think that fiction is just a story, when these stories often tell us more about life than anything else.

Just think about it and you will see that the messages hidden in the stories we tell contain our deepest truths; even the truths we would never tell anyone.

3. “You can and should start and if you are brave enough, you will.”

People who think that taking the first step to achieve their goal ensures success are wrong. However, this should not limit you, but rather cause you to take action. This takes a lot of courage; courage that you can only find in yourself. Once you start, overcoming all the obstacles in the way is just the next step. Take on the challenges one by one.

4. “Monsters are real and so are ghosts. They live in us and sometimes they win.”

Stephen King is truly an expert in this field. Throughout his life, he endured a series of problems that have enabled him to create the amazing world that can be found in his books.

Think about it: how many times have the voices in your head stopped you from doing something you really wanted to do? Listening to those voices in your head telling you that you can’t do something, that you’re not good enough, or that you’re going to fail will make you stiffen and get your feet nailed to the ground, stopping you from doing so. can get ahead.

Do not allow the inner dialogue that is conducted within you to take control of you. Only you can defeat the monsters in your own head.


5. “Optimism is a perfectly legitimate response to failure.”

Failure is a very complicated concept. We often see failures as problems, when in fact they also open doors for new possibilities. The only person who can determine what failure is and how much it can limit you is you.

You can choose to see failures as something completely negative or to view them from an optimistic perspective. If you choose to view them with optimism, you will be much more capable of achieving success.

6. “Amateurs sit down and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and get to work.”

While we can’t say that Stephen King has one of the most conventional jobs, it is true that it is not easy for anyone to go about their daily life day in and day out.

Can you imagine how many people there are who have great ideas for starting their own business, writing books or doing other things? However, these ideas are worth nothing if they don’t act on them and try to make them a reality.

7. “We make up horrors to help us deal with the real horrors.”

Fiction gives us the chance to escape. We read and create fiction to escape the challenges life throws at us. You can write, paint, dance or do other things to distract yourself from your own thoughts.

These kinds of activities can help you deal with moments and events that could harm you. No matter how easy your life seems at first glance, there are bound to be times when you need to distract yourself.

Through his words, Stephen King teaches us great life lessons. If you’ve never read one of his genius literary masterpieces, now is a good time to do so. You will see that not only will his words inspire you, but they are also able to lure you into a world unlike any other.

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