Good Things Take Time

Good things take time

Some people would say that in order to achieve success, you must be able to patiently wait for the reward. Sometimes, however, good things come to us almost suddenly, without expecting it. However, success does not always have to do with luck, but with our effort.

It is important to be well prepared. However, knowing how to seize the moment is even more important. But our true virtue is hidden in our ability to wait for all the good that will eventually come to us through hard work.

We all know that it is by no means easy to trust that all our dreams and aspirations will one day come true. Nevertheless, it is important to know that factors such as a positive and realistic attitude, together with the right strategies can help us enormously. We invite you to reflect on this for a moment.

The art of waiting

We spend much of our time waiting, whether it’s in line at the grocery store, in the cold at the bus stop, or just sitting at home on the couch. And as we wait, we grow increasingly frustrated that life still hasn’t given us good opportunities. However, the art of waiting does contain a secret: while waiting we can build our whole reality.

In the 1960s, psychologist Walter Mischel, of Stanford University, conducted an interesting study, trying to discover which skills are typically associated with achieving goals and, as a consequence, achieving success.

The idea of ​​this research was to be able to align these skills and then pass them on to children from an early age. To do this, Mischel set up the following experiment:

  • He had a group of four-year-old children sit together at a table, with a large jar of candy on the table in front of them. The psychologist told the children that if they could wait 20 minutes without touching the candy, someone else would give them an even greater reward.
  • Only three of the children could stand the wait: interestingly enough, these children were also more successful academically.
  • Aspects such as the ability to tolerate frustration, control emotions, keep yourself motivated and not give in to ‘impending hunger’ were the aspects that determined the success of these children. And we can also find these aspects in adults.

Good things come to those who are patient

Good things come to those who wait, those who know the value of patience… Read More

Good Things Wait

Good things require effort, dedication and passion

‘So won, so run’ . You have probably heard this proverb before. Sometimes we meet someone who is really only looking for temporary gratification, which makes the relationship we build with this person vulnerable, selfish and disinterested and we may even end up being left broken or hopeless.

The things that are really worth doing require effort, courage and dedication. We need to walk our paths with self-love and enthusiasm to make sure that with all that waiting we can reach our goal: happiness

If it takes a while for something good to reach us, then this shouldn’t make us hopeless. This laborious daily process can also enrich us, because we have to take on new roles and develop skills that allow us to discover ourselves more and more.

Good Things Wait

So if the waiting process is an opportunity to better cope with the larger process and help us achieve our goal, then it is important to reflect on the following aspects:

  • The need to strengthen our self-love. If you feel as if there is the same vulnerability in your personal relationships, remember that only with strong self-confidence will you be able to confront the fierce individualism that sometimes surrounds us.
  • Don’t just try to ‘get in touch’ with your reality, but also try to ‘work on it’. Do not assume a passive role, your reality is constantly unfolding and continuously offering you new possibilities. Don’t just look for a temporary and fleeting form of gratification, it’s important to invest time, effort and hope as well.
  • The importance of freedom and security. You have the freedom to choose which path you want to take. No one should be allowed to decide this for you, nor are you obligated to gain outside recognition in order to assess your own worth. Good things will come if you keep moving forward safely and are aware of your own worth, limits and strengths.
  • Learn to accept uncertainty. It is important to learn to tolerate frustration and resist immediate redress. We also need to learn that life is simply uncertain. No one can predict what will happen tomorrow, or whether our projects will be successful.

It is always better to anticipate something without exaggerating and to accept that we simply do not have absolute control over the things around us. Accepting uncertainty does not mean surrendering, but rather looking at what we can really change to get what we want.

Don’t get tired of waiting, anything worthwhile requires patience, enthusiasm and a combative attitude.

Good Things Wait

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