A Growth Journey Through Your Memories

Exercises that enable you to mature emotionally are important. In this article you will discover one of them.
A growth journey through your memories

Emotional immaturity is synonymous with a lack of emotional development. To mature emotionally, you have to process, develop and grow things. In fact, emotional development requires a growth journey characterized by the relationship between your emotions and the lessons learned from overcoming difficulties.

Another way to stimulate this emotional maturity is through your memories. Today we talk about this possibility. As Enrique Rojas pointed out in his article The Immature Personality , the characteristics of emotional immaturity are the following:

  • emotional instability
  • lack of self-awareness
  • lack of responsibility

You may be wondering how to get your emotions under control. Today we will share with you a great way to start this growth journey.

Your growth journey

To start this growth journey, we recommend meditation. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Next, visualize walking down a path. It does not matter if it is filled with flowers, leaves or sand. The most important thing is to take in everything around you. Feel the sun warm your body from above.

At the end of the path you will see a small hut with a door. Open the door to discover some stairs. Walk up these stairs and discover that there are three floors.

A woman walks barefoot in a forest

The room with bad memories

On the first floor you will see a door and an elderly person next to it. This person smiles at you and tells you to pick one of the bad memories you find inside.

Most of these bad memories have been with you for a long time. You have them with you, but you have not taken the time to analyze or process them. Pick any bad memory you want. Then walk back to the door.

The room with positive memories

Go up the next stairs to the second floor. Open the door to find the room with positive memories. Walk through the door and choose the memory that most resonates with you or has the most meaning. Then leave the room and go up the next stairs.

Your refuge: the last stop on your growth journey

On this last floor you will find another room. When you go in, you find yourself in a fantastic place. This place is different for everyone. It is a place where you feel comfortable and calm.

Sit in the middle of the room and take the memories you have collected from your backpack. Then analyze them until you realize that both your good and bad memories are part of you.

After taking one last look at this beautiful place, head back to where you came from. Along the way, leave the memories where you found them. Walk back until you reach the start of the trail, wherever you started. Then open your eyes.

An image of an open door

Accept your past

This growth journey will help you accept the things that have happened to you to enable you to better control your emotions. If you are already meditating, it will be a lot easier to go on this journey. Otherwise, you may have some trouble relaxing and letting go.

If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask. Psychologists can help you with this exercise and many others that will help you grow and face everything that still hurts you today.

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