Artificial Intelligence Is Around The Corner

Artificial intelligence is just around the corner

Artificial intelligence is something that attracts the attention of many smart minds around the world. At this point, we don’t know exactly how far they’ve come. All steps forward are mostly classified information, so we only get to know what they want us to know. However, some of the advances in this area are now public knowledge.

For example, we know that they apply artificial intelligence to all kinds of repetitive activities. It will therefore not be long before these kinds of jobs are completely taken over by robots. However, that will only be the beginning of a coming revolution, in which increasingly finely tuned devices will play the leading role.

We still don’t know exactly how these changes will affect our culture. What we do know, however, is that artificial intelligence, like technological advancements, will bring major changes to our daily lives. And these changes are all much closer than many people think.

Face of a woman and a robot

Artificial intelligence and looking to the future

Antonio Orbe is a psychologist and artificial intelligence expert. He published a book called Una mirada al futuro  (Looking to the future). In this book he tries to describe what the world will look like in the short and medium term.

If we put his other thoughts aside for a moment, he is sure of one thing, and that is that many jobs will disappear soon. The first consequence is inequality. Some people will not have a job. It will take political, economic and social resources to deal with this new situation.

Orbe , however , has an optimistic view of the whole. He says that it is worth thinking about a new world in which not everything revolves around work. Instead, entertainment and recreation can play a greater role. If that happened, we could start doing things to improve everyone’s well-being through collaborative environments.

People compete with technology

However, Orbe also says that the development of artificial intelligence could lead to a competition between technology and people. Many of the jobs that humans have can be taken over by machines. However, this fact would not only apply to the work world, but also to our personal lives.

For example, Orbe talks about how difficult it can be for some people to adapt to new technologies. These new technologies will be introduced very soon. And this means that we have to adapt to it permanently. While this is done successfully in most cases, on a social level it is a little more complicated.

Artificial intelligence is advancing at full speed, while societies are not progressing that fast at all. Ultimately, this could be a source of instability and tension.

Artificial intelligence and the brain

The future of artificial intelligence

Orbe isn’t really worried that robots will take over the world in the future (a fear that stems partly from science fiction movies and partly from common sense). He says we are still a long way from ‘general’ artificial intelligence. That would be when robots could solve any problem you throw at them on their own.

What we have now is a specific artificial intelligence. This kind of intelligence can only perform specific tasks. While it performs these tasks extremely well, it cannot go beyond that. The technological developments of our time focus on certain artificial intelligence.

This is also one of the reasons why many different types of jobs will be taken over by artificial intelligence.

Robot serving drinks

Theoretically, there is a good chance that artificial intelligence will one day gain consciousness. This would mean that a machine can, in fact, mimic all of a human’s intellectual abilities. However, given our current position, it will be a while before we get there.

Finally, Orbe also talks about some of the most interesting aspects of artificial intelligence. For example, he says it forces us to ask ourselves what it means to be human.

If machines can do it, what am I capable of? What value or effect do my actions have in this context? What distinguishes me from a machine? These are questions that are more important today than ever beforeā€¦ 

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