Be The Best Version Of Yourself

Be the best version of yourself

We are all looking for the best sides of ourselves, but very few manage to find them. We are often our own worst enemy. Some people even engage in destructive behaviors, such as addictions.

It doesn’t matter how old you are, it’s always hard to let the best version of yourself dominate at any given moment. There are people who unknowingly engage in self-destructive behavior and others who know it, but choose not to change it. When you feel ready and determined to be the best version of yourself, follow these steps.

Stop thinking/speaking negatively

“I always fail at love”, “I will never have the body I want” and “my life is worth nothing” are just some of the phrases that are spoken far too often.

When you have such a negative conversation with yourself, you convince yourself that certain irrational ideas are the truth.


This is a big deal because it can make you stop trying or make you sabotage yourself. Being able to suppress these negative thoughts is very important.

Learn to recognize the moments when these thoughts pop into your head. As soon as you start sabotaging yourself, you think of something positive. You will see that this will become easier and easier.

Stop judging other people

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to criticize other people? We generally tend to do this because it gives us a sense of superiority or control. However, to be the best version of yourself you need to eliminate all negative energy from your life. The first step can be to avoid judging or criticizing other people.

Allow yourself to get to know the people around you without expectations or without attempts to take control. Everyone is different and that’s okay too. Everyone can live as they choose and it’s up to you to do the same.

Stop fearing failure

One of the things that stops you from being the best version of yourself is the fear of failure. Maybe you really want something, but decide not to go for it because you’re afraid of making mistakes. You avoid risks, but you will probably have the feeling that something is missing for the rest of your life. The most authentic people are those who know what they want and go for it. Others are content with what life offers them. Don’t be afraid of mistakes. Mistakes are the best learning method.

Do what you want to do

This point is very similar to the previous one. When you run away from failure all your life, it is very likely that you will end up doing something that you really don’t want to do at all. This can range from studying something you’re not interested in or getting married to someone who doesn’t make you happy at all.

The best version of yourself emerges when you take risks to find yourself. Dream and do your best to make those dreams a reality.

To dream

In conclusion, don’t worry about being perfect for everyone. It’s impossible and pursuing perfection will make you incredibly unhappy. If you still want to please someone, let that someone be yourself.

Surround yourself with people who motivate you

Another way to be the best version of yourself is to surround yourself with people who also make you better. When your friends and family have a positive outlook and motivate you to achieve your goals, the road there is easier and more fulfilling. When your friends and family aren’t the best company, look for alternatives. Don’t leave your friends completely behind, but give yourself permission to meet new people who leave a positive impression.

You can also look for advisors, therapists or coaches to find the motivation you need.

Are you ready to be yourself?

As you can see , the path to the best version of yourself is not the easiest. But: the difference between success and failure is your attitude.

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