Benzodiazepines: What Are The Effects?

Benzodiazepines: what are the effects?

It is 10:30 pm and I have just taken a dose of Alprazolam. I have not taken a high dose, but I am not used to this medicine and the effect is more intense. Alprazolam is a benzodiazepine prescribed to treat panic and anxiety disorders. Benzodiazepines have many effects on the body and mind.

It is quite normal that I have taken this drug, given that modern society takes drugs too much and too often. However , I would like to record the things I experience after taking it. I take note of any side effect when I feel it is at its peak.

The effects of benzodiazepines are varied and dependent on the individual. These drugs reduce the normal stimulation of the brain. I’ve decided to take this drug because my mind has been a bit too hectic lately.

I put the pill under my tongue and let it dissolve slowly. Then I drank water because it left a bitter aftertaste.

The Mental and Emotional Effects of Benzodiazepines

It’s 10:50 PM. The effects are now noticeable. I am calmer than I was before. It’s a kind of rest that little by little starts to look more like sleepiness. Right now I could lie down and fall asleep.

I could also go for a walk, but I know I will miss certain reflexes. It would be impossible to drive a car under these conditions. I wouldn’t be able to work this way either, because it would be very strange. It feels like I’m watching a movie. I look at everything that’s going on around me, but I feel like it has nothing to do with me.

Noise bothers me. I had to turn down the volume on my TV and ask my family to lower their voices. In general, I have become more sensitive to external stimuli. Although I feel more relaxed, I am now hypersensitive to everything around me, such as loud noises and bright lights.

My mental processes are slower. I would not be able to perform certain mundane tasks normally. I also wouldn’t be able to hold a conversation that requires a moderate level of concentration. Despite this, I am able to perform other banal tasks.

Man with pill in hand, and glass of water

The Effects of Benzodiazepines on Behavior

I get up to go slowly to the bathroom. I also wash my hands slowly. Then I carefully observe every movement. I return to the living room and sit on the couch. My movements are slow.

I am a bit hungry. When people talk to me, I have to make an extra effort to pay attention to the conversation. I press the keys on my computer at a normal pace, but I make a lot more mistakes.

In general, my coordination is impaired and I am unable to perform tasks that require physical or mental effort. Like I said before, I wouldn’t be able to drive. I wouldn’t be able to study or read anything too complicated either.

How do benzodiazepines work?

According to a number of studies, what I experience is a reduction in nerve impulse transmissions, which in turn reduces the overstimulation in my brain. This drug has a depressant effect on my nervous system. It causes drowsiness and reduces my chance of waking up during the night.

Some studies suggest that the benzodiazepine I just took enhances the effect of the GABA neurotransmitter (gamma-aminobutyric acid). This inhibits my neurons from slowing down the transmission rate and makes me calmer.

Cecilio Álamo González, professor of pharmacology at the University of Alcalá, confirmed that this is a drug that is well tolerated and safe when used as a hypnotic for only two to four weeks.

He also suggests that it can be taken for two to three months as an anti-anxiety drug. If used for longer than that, it can cause certain health problems.

Man stares out the window


I’m still concerned. My mental activity has decreased. However, if the effects of the drug wear off, I will still have to face my demons. I still think about the things I struggle with. Being sleepy, I don’t react as intensely, but my problems have not gone away.

Resolving certain internal conflicts with a drug is a mediocre solution. Benzodiazepines can help calm a person and reduce anxiety. But until we resolve our internal mental conflicts, we will not be able to enjoy the internal peace we seek.

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