Bore-out Syndrome Is The Opposite Of Burnout

The bore-out syndrome is the opposite of a burnout

The work environment can be quite toxic at times. It is true that having a job is a privilege these days. But that doesn’t mean we’re exempt from problems. After all, there are a number of work-related conditions that can lead to depression, dissatisfaction and anxiety. One of these is the bore-out syndrome, the counterpart of the burn-out syndrome.

The burnout syndrome has to do with working too much. We see it in employees who suffer from anxiety and emotional stress. They experience tremendous mental exhaustion. This, in turn, causes fear and panic. On the contrary, the bore-out syndrome is based on a feeling of boredom. This is caused by a lack of expectations at work. In 2007, this concept surfaced in a study written by  Philippe Rothlin  and  Peter R. Werder.

What is bore-out syndrome?

The bore-out syndrome is a phenomenon that can seem completely harmless at first sight. Having too little work or so little responsibility that we don’t know what to do with the rest of the time is what many people dream of. When people don’t enjoy their work or suffer from burnout, they dream of having some relief during the working day.

However, many people do not know what the effect is. Because this situation will eventually affect the people who experience it in a negative way. The lack of purpose, disinterest and frustration will quickly set in. This will cause depression, apathy and concentration problems in the long run.

What is the bore-out syndrome

This chronic feeling comes from a lack of planning, from others hijacking the most interesting tasks, from overqualification, or from barriers when trying to innovate. This makes the employee realize that no matter how hard he tries. Actually, nothing will change his job. The lack of training of an employee can also have an influence. They then feel useless. They also do not carry out their assignments to the best of their ability.

Jobs with monotonous tasks also promote this kind of situation, such as working on an assembly line. Doing the same job for hours on end with almost no variety is not just boring. It also backfires.

How can you prevent bore-out syndrome?

Bore-out syndrome can be prevented provided companies take appropriate precautions. The good mental health of the employees is fundamental. Because that way they can carry out their assignments properly. When we ignore their needs, undervalue them and pay no attention to their proposals, we make the work environment worse.

There are several areas to which we must pay sufficient attention. Employers need to focus on these aspects, research them and create solutions. This is absolutely essential to put an end to this psychological disorder. If the company decides not to intervene, then the employees themselves have to look for alternatives.

Do activities outside working hours

Everyone should learn how to separate work and private life. At the end of the day, we need to disconnect and do activities that we enjoy and that motivate us. Playing sports, going to the theatre, yoga, going to the cinema or meeting friends are some of the most positive possibilities. Reading is also a very good leisure activity. Because it allows us to switch off reality. We are human beings. We need fun. Try to be healthy and don’t resort to harmful alternatives such as alcohol or drugs.

Activities outside working hours

Talk to an expert

If you feel you need help, talk to an expert. Psychologists and psychiatrists are responsible for caring for your mental and emotional health. They will help you discover relaxation techniques. They listen to your problems and help you find solutions.

You don’t have to be afraid to ask for help. Sometimes a few sessions a month do a lot more than we thought.

Make a list of objectives

It is always helpful to make a list of short-term and long-term goals. Think of everything you want to achieve in the short term. Then you look at your long-term goals. Think, make contacts and make the necessary decisions to get where you want to go.

Some of your goals may be impossible. But others are not. Effort and perseverance always go hand in hand with happiness. Try to be ready for the arrival of happiness.

Talk to your responsibles

If you see that your supervisors are not aware of the situation, consider talking to them. If you explain your point of view to them, they may listen to you and change things. Try to be friendly and not demanding. Explain things calmly.

The worst that can happen is that everything stays the same. But then at least you’ll know you’ve tried. It’s better than just talking and doing nothing because you’re afraid of what your bosses might say to you. You must have the courage to stand up for your rights as an employee.

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