Building Success Is Different From Chasing Or Waiting For It

Building success is different from chasing or waiting for it

There is no magic wand that will bring success in your life. That’s because success usually doesn’t come with an invitation. If you want it, you have to build success and shape it with your own hands.

But first you need to define what you really want to achieve. In other words, you have to decide which direction you want to go. Once you have determined this, a good foundation and sufficient hope will ultimately bring success. That’s what gives you the strength you need to overcome the first hurdles.

But not everything will go smoothly. The chance to fail will lurk around every corner. It will try to scare you and make you doubt whether you should go any further or turn around.

However, this will be an important step on the road to success. It will just be another step in the learning process. Don’t see it as a wake-up call to give up what you started with so much hope. Your efforts will always be rewarded if you deliver them with patience and intelligence.

The first step is the hardest, but also the most important

Taking the first step is always a difficult decision. It means moving slowly from a static position. It’s like a writer standing in front of a terrifying blank sheet of paper. But once you get past this first barrier, it will be easier to keep moving forward. Especially if you stick to your greatest ally: determination.

Often you are afraid to take the first step because your mind anticipates suffering or failure. You anticipate a failure that may not even come. And this may be because you want immediate results. We all want our road to success to be as short as possible. However, this way of thinking only creates frustration, because everything comes in its time.

Building success by studying

The further away from your goal, the more effort it will take to reach it. And the harder it will be for you to make the decision to take the first step. Doubts and worries will surface. What if I get stuck on the way? Can I overcome all the obstacles I may encounter?

“I can’t” is not an option

Your life is probably filled with one “I can’t” after another. Four short words that you use way more than you should. As we said at the beginning of this article, magic doesn’t exist. Success will not come to you by itself unless you go out and look for it. However, this will not be possible if you limit yourself.

Your words have great power. If you say ‘I can do it’, that’s exactly how it will be. However, if you say ‘I can’t do it’ then you probably won’t be able to. Sometimes the negative things you say come from your environment. They come from people around you who don’t believe in you, who constantly ridicule your goals. This only makes you doubt whether you can really achieve what you want. Whether you can make it happen.

There is only one solution here. Be deaf to the words of people who do nothing but hinder you on your way to success. Exclude this ‘noise’ and smile. You know better than anyone what you can and cannot do. No one has the right to make you doubt your abilities.

Man with clouds in front of his head through which the sun comes

Building success requires setting goals that you can actually achieve

The best way to deal with the failure you fear so much is to set goals that you know you will be able to achieve. They don’t have to be very big. Most importantly, they include short-term results that are achievable. This way you stay with both feet on the ground, which is an essential part of success.

Does this mean there are limits to your dreams? No, it means you have to be realistic. Because sometimes your hopes and dreams can fool your mind. Your expectations get higher and higher and you lose your perspective.

By moving forward in baby steps, without running out of patience or getting ahead of things, you are preparing yourself to solve any problem that arises. When you least expect it, you will see the things you envisioned suddenly become reality. It will rarely be exactly the way you imagined it, because the journey will change it, but this is usually for the better.

Ballerina with birds

Don’t sit around waiting for success to come to you on its own. It’s even worse if you start chasing it like crazy. To achieve your goals, you need to build success. With confidence in what you are doing and without losing your perspective.

Especially if it’s worth it, you have to give it all of yourself. It’s a challenge to get yourself going, but an even bigger challenge to stay on track despite the problems and difficulties you may encounter along the way. Remember, this is all part of the process. So what are you waiting for? Start building your own success! 

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