Creativity: A Plant To Care For

Creativity: a plant we have to take care of

Creativity: A word we’ve heard so many times before. A word that everyone uses so often, whether they are experts in the field or not. But, are we really sure how this drug affects our daily lives? We’ve always thought of it as a quality that comes with childhood, and sometimes even adolescence. But it would be a mistake to think that it disappears in adulthood. It is precisely then that we have to take care of our creativity.

Creativity increases the chance to solve problems

Creativity is underestimated. It is considered a thing of crazy people or of great geniuses. Fortunately, little by little, we’ve managed to make this skill that we all possess more popular. It’s just buried a little deeper in some of us, and a little more present in others.

People who have awakened their creativity have a very rich inner spiritual world. In this world, the imagination rules and rules over solving problems or asking interesting questions. Creative people can come up with countless alternatives and different possibilities and approaches to solve a single problem.

To be creative we need to be flexible

Creativity comes from the verb ‘to create’. And creating is nothing more than the act of inventing or generating something new. It is not a quality that belongs exclusively to painters, artists, architects and musicians, as is generally believed. A creative person is anyone who manages to create original solutions to the emerging problems in their daily life. It is also a person who thinks and asks questions about topics that no one had considered before.

A Light Bulb With Balls Of Paper Next To It Of Different Colors Because We Have To Take Care Of Our Creativity

Many of these people have been able to develop their creativity during childhood. This is because it was instigated and demanded by educators and educators. Let’s say there is a child who has drawn a sheep with wings. We know that sheep have no wings. In fact, it even sounds funny to say it.

This is a fact, sheep have no wings. That’s fine. But, what’s the problem with a kid drawing a sheep like this? Why should we censor this particular artwork ?

Creativity is fostered by rewards, not punishments

Especially during childhood, the important part is the process itself and not the final result. There should be no rush to judge a child’s artistic expression with words like ‘good’ or ‘bad’. If we do, we punish the child’s spontaneity and encourage him to neglect it. If I give my child the freedom to show his imagination in his drawings, he can create other possible alternatives. Different possibilities than those that already exist.

He will develop the ability to fantasize and express himself spontaneously. The moment we disrupt or abruptly interrupt that creative outburst (” Son, you probably know sheep don’t have wings. That’s not how you draw it right. Here, I’ll help you erase those wings.”) . And if we make this meddling a habit, the child will stop expressing itself in a sincere way.

Bunny Eared Girl Riding A Deer That Has Wings As An Example Of The Importance Of Nurturing Our Creativity

Let’s strengthen our ability to generate solutions!

On the other hand, if I strengthen that inventiveness, I can help that child to continue to express what his vibrant imagination likes to show the world. “It must be a very free sheep. It wants to fly!’ “How wonderful it is that you can help him fly like this!” “Where do you think he’s going?”

These are all expressions that validate and value the child’s imagination. It’s a good way to promote the fantasy that seems infinite in our adult eyes.

Being funny is not a thing for crazy people

Many creative adults learned to express themselves freely when they were little. They got that enforcement to be real. In contrast  , the childhood of people who are not creative now is probably marked by the censorship of these kinds of expressions. Or a censorship of everything that does not correspond to what is expected or what is ‘normal’.

Let’s put yourself in the shoes of these people. If in childhood we don’t appreciate something that can be useful in adult life, we will learn that it is ‘a crazy people thing’. That expressing these kinds of ideas freely can lead people to see us as ‘foreign’.

Boy And A Girl Watering A Tree As A Symbol Of The Importance Of Nurturing Your Creativity

We certainly live in a world where self-control is rewarded. A world in which spontaneity is somehow censored. Creativity needs this spontaneity to survive. It must be in touch with reality and must even be a source of error. In this way we can prevent it from being put in a corner, like an old piece of junk, inside us.

What happens is that deep inside there is a fear of trying. A fear of failing at something, fear of the consequences of our own true expression. A fear that grows in certain work or life situations…

We were born free to express our most imaginative ideas

Nothing could be further from reality: to be creative means to possess a very rich inner world, which is full of possible alternatives to each of the steps I can climb on the stairway of my life. It means a backpack full of resources, colors of different shades, of multiple textures…

We are not born structured and hermetically sealed. We are born free and with tremendous power to evolve what is ours and is born with us.

Boy Standing On Top Of A Car To Fly His Model Airplane Because He Wants To Nurture His Creativity

Let’s not be afraid to develop and let go of something so beautiful. You see yourself doing things you never thought you could do. 

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