Do You Love Yourself No Matter What The Circumstances Are?

Never leave your house without taking a good dose of self-love with you. Never let anyone take it from you, and don’t let painful relationships weaken it. Today we will talk about how to make the most of this basic aspect of your psychological structure.
Do you love yourself no matter what the circumstances are?

Wherever you go and whatever your circumstances, make sure you always love yourself. Fill yourself with this positive emotional energy of your self-image and self-esteem. Do not leave it at home and certainly do not entrust it to a stranger. Your self-love belongs only to you, and you are the one who must take care of it and make it stronger every day. Do you love yourself?

Philosopher Michel de Montaigne once said, “The most important thing in the world is knowing how to be yourself.”  This is something that no one teaches you in school. Cultivating self-love should be part of the core curriculum of any academic program.

If there’s one thing we know for sure, it’s that people tend to ignore or have too much of self-love.

Loving yourself, appreciating yourself and feeling valued and worthy of what you desire is healthy. What is unhealthy is when you overfeed your ego and think so highly of yourself that you don’t value others. Too much self-love can even make you feel like you have a right to do harm. So, do you love yourself enough?

Without this incredible tool your psyche provides, your personality would unravel. As the humanistic psychologist Carl Rogers argued, people need to feel worthy and capable to build meaningful lives.

Do you love yourself no matter the circumstances

Do you love yourself wherever you are?

You may be surprised to know that many people go through life without ever realizing that their relationship with and feelings for others are determined by their self-love.

If you don’t love yourself the way you should, you expect others to supply what is lacking. However, that will never happen. It will only lead to endless suffering and interdependent relationships.

Ultimately, you limit yourself to accepting as much love as you think you deserve. You also accept friendships that don’t enrich your life because you don’t think you can aspire to anything better.

The same thing happens at work and in every aspect of your life. If you don’t love yourself, everything is deformed. You just get used to living with the bare minimum, surviving, but experiencing no satisfaction or happiness.

What is the magic formula?

Everyone has had a cheerleader in their life that pushes you to love yourself more, making you willing to try. “If you loved yourself, these things wouldn’t happen to you!” You may agree, but how do you do that?

What is the magic formula for cultivating self-love? Do you look in the mirror and say you’re worth it? That everything when you look back is perfect as it is? The answer is no. Self-love isn’t just about accepting and appreciating your physical appearance.

Loving yourself goes beyond feeling good about who you are or what you have. It is a state of constant appreciation for everything you do, for all the things that affect your personal growth.

It’s a dynamic process that is nurtured and polished by working on identifying what you earn. All of that helps you with your psychological strengths.

How to practice self-love

If you don’t love yourself always and in every situation, you will become someone you don’t like. It’s like having twins who tolerate things that cause them pain, don’t fight for what they want, and accept people they don’t deserve.

That’s why it’s important to remember the basics of self-love:

  • Self-consciousness. This means that at some point you have to be aware of what you think, feel and need. By being in touch with yourself, you can align your needs with actions and obligations.
  • Self confidence. This is the beating heart of self-love. It is essentially an appreciation for who you are and what you think of how others see you. This mindful evaluation of yourself is something you should pay attention to every day.
  • self-care. Self-care is more than eating right and staying healthy. It means paying attention to your emotions and considering your thoughts. The art of good self-care is always keeping your mental and emotional health in mind and making sure you never fall short of self-love.
Happiness is finding balance in your life

Happiness is balance – do you love yourself?

Remember to always love yourself. Neglecting self-love will cause suffering. You should also remember not to put yourself in too high a position, as that can cause other people suffering. dr. William Campbell conducted a study at the University of Texas that pointed to this.

The researchers also proposed a more specific picture of what happens when you love yourself too much. They claim that people with an excess of self-love are not necessarily narcissistic.

Narcissists tend to use other people to make up for their shortcomings. This drains the energy of those around them.

That said, people with overly high self-esteem think they are better than other people intellectually and morally. However, they differ from narcissists in that they do not try to control anyone.

However, their attitude does create an exhausting environment as they always try to outdo everyone around them. This is inappropriate and we do not recommend it.

Do you love yourself?

The key is to find balance. Love yourself and respect others and you will find happiness. Position yourself in the world in such a way that you can achieve your goals but also live in harmony with other people.

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