Don’t Beg For Attention, Let Alone Love

Don't beg for attention, let alone love

Don’t beg for the love of people who don’t have time for you, of someone who only thinks of themselves. Never do this. The person who makes you feel completely indifferent and invisible and unimportant does not deserve you. You deserve someone who, with his attention, makes you feel important and present.

Love must be shown, but we should never beg for it. You deserve someone who talks less, but does more. The person who only comes to you when he needs you doesn’t deserve you. Look for the person who is also by your side when you need them and not just when it is in their favor. You deserve someone who will embrace you with their love and make you feel important in life without expecting anything in return.

The end is simple… the person who deserves you is one who, completely free in his choice, approaches you, appreciates you and devotes his time and thoughts to you.


It’s not a lack of time, it’s a lack of interest

There is no such thing as a lack of time, they say, only a lack of interest. After all, when people really want it, they can turn mornings into days, Wednesdays into Saturdays, and a moment into an opportunity.

They also say that whoever expects too much will be disappointed and suffer. We must therefore adjust our expectations and way of thinking in the sense that we expect nothing from anyone, but rather everything from ourselves. Because wishes and expectations often (if not always) form the basis of emotional failures and we thus conclude that the behavior of others shows a lack of interest.

When we take what others do or say as false, we really feel pain. Emotional pain has the same effect on the brain as physical pain. In that sense, we should attach importance to psychological distress. We wouldn’t even think about ignoring a bad stomachache or a terrible, constant headache, would we?

Letting go

So why should we ignore emotional pain? We can’t just wait for time to heal from it. We need to work on it and learn the lessons it gives us, in the same way we would stop eating chocolate if we found out it’s the cause of our aching tummy.

This is extremely important because there is a social misconception that psychological distress is a sign of weakness and at the same time that time will heal such wounds just fine without the need to ‘disinfect’ them or put plasters over them to prevent bleeding. .


Appreciate yourself, really love yourself

Dedicate time to people who deserve it and who make you feel good. Don’t beg for attention, friendship, or anyone’s love. Someone who loves you will show this.

Therefore, if you also experience emotional injustice in a situation, remember the following:

  • Don’t call someone who doesn’t call you or answer your calls.
  • Don’t look for someone who doesn’t miss you.
  • Don’t miss someone who isn’t looking for you. Don’t write to him.
  • Don’t subject yourself to the punishment of indifference radiated by ignored messages or unwarranted silences.
  • Don’t wait for someone who doesn’t wait for you; appreciate yourself and stop begging and pleading for love. For love, as we said, must be shown and felt, but we must never beg for it. Your love should be for those who love you and who understand you without judging you.

And above all, don’t forget the value of smiling, loving and valuing yourself for who you are and not for what someone who doesn’t even deserve you makes you believe. Really love yourself and realize that if someone neglects you, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t do everything in your power to surround yourself with people you want around you in your life.

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