Don’t Let The Beautiful People Escape

Don't let the beautiful people escape

The people who make your world a beautiful place are the people who will always be there. That is, the people who comfort you, put a smile on your face, reassure you and keep you strong. The relationship you have with these types of people is a firm, consistent, and loyal one.

Beautiful people are genuine. These are the people who squeeze your hand and when they look you in the eye, touch you in the depths of your heart. Just their presence is enough to make you happy, because these people always respect you, because they don’t judge and because they are always there for you. Therefore, these are the people who can make your world a better place.

Be careful and make sure you don’t lose these people, don’t leave them yourself, and don’t cut them out of your life. Don’t make the mistake of abandoning them when something is bothering you or when they need you. Stay, forgive and forget.


I love you

We just love some people. Not for any particular reason, but simply because these people offer us peace and tranquility. These are the relationships that develop in the smallest details, sincere and real. The relationships that can be maintained with understanding glances and simple gestures, because every detail is a true work of art.

Usually these feelings are mutual and there are unwritten rules that both adhere to. However, we often forget how important it is to say “I love you” sometimes and that gratitude is the best food for the soul.

So sometimes we don’t give enough importance to important things like showing our affection and paying attention to the emotional needs of our partner in the dance of life.


What is neglected is lost

It is said that love lasts as long as we continue to care for it. So even though we are people who sometimes make mistakes that lead to misunderstandings in our relationships, we should still not allow the valuable people in our lives to escape.

Unfortunately, all too often we simply ignore the people who mean a lot to us out of laziness, lack of time, or a certain disinterest that is soiled by selfishness. We tend not to spend enough time showing these people how important they really are to us.


So there is a good chance that we ourselves sometimes felt as if someone had abandoned us  and we spent a lot of time worrying about finding out exactly what had happened. This kind of pain is completely unnecessary and we can do enough to avoid it. Let’s give a few examples:

  • It usually only takes a few words to show someone that your absence or aloofness doesn’t mean you’ve forgotten them and that despite your “temporary absence,” you’re still there for them.
  • Yet it also takes enough time to really show someone that you care. Special precautions must be taken to ensure that your relationship is healthy and free from dependence and excessive emotions.
  • Every stone should be laid with complete sincerity; this implies, without selfishness or ulterior motives. Remember that the aim is not to create needs, not even the need for companionship.
  • You can achieve this through communication and the honest expression of your thoughts and feelings. Of course, it’s important to do this in a way that we simply express how we feel, not say that the other person is responsible for how good or bad we feel. If you feel uncomfortable about something, bring up the issue without blaming the other person and understand that this issue is related to both of you. This way you can ensure that your relationship does not become unnecessarily cold and that it is always based on trust and honesty.
  • Relationships need time and experience to develop, survive and grow. When we stop spending time on our relationships, we show a lack of interest. And as a result, we’re going to get rid of those important people.

We must not let the people who make our world a more beautiful place escape. These people can help us make ourselves complete, our very essence and with complete freedom, something that is both beautiful and rare. So nurture and enrich your relationships and always do so with complete sincerity.

–Images courtesy of Claudia Tremblay and Mariana Kalacheva–

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