Downshift To Escape Stress

Downshift to escape stress

In this article, we’re going to talk about downshifting to escape stress. Are you one of those people who might ask too much of themselves? Professional combativeness and the pursuit of professional success are essential for some people.

The problems that always arise during such a race to succeed is that we forget to take care of our emotional, spiritual and psychological well-being. To help us solve this problem, a new movement has emerged: downshifting.

We can apply this new lifestyle in every area of ​​our lives, from our personal relationships to our work environment. This will help us to reduce daily stress as well as experience positive physical and mental health benefits.

What is downshifting?

Downshifting consists of doubting the modern way of life in which material desires and aspirations take precedence. This movement has its origins in the mid-eighties in the United States. The main purpose of this is that we regain conscious control over our lives.

That is why it is about making choices that can be reconciled with our priorities. According to the downshift movement, sometimes it is necessary to give up certain luxuries or better paying jobs. All this to promote our well-being.

The lifestyle started with important executives. Even though they made a lot of money, they believed that their lives were not of good quality because of the amount of work they had to do.

Their jobs did not allow them to spend time with their families or devote time to personal interests. Today, there are still employees who feel trapped in their daily work stress. Moreover, they often do not even earn exorbitantly high salaries.

Woman with stress

The guidelines of the movement

In the beginning it will not be easy to adjust your lifestyle. However, as time goes on, you will be rewarded for your change. This way you will see that you will benefit from more time, less worries and more positive emotions. 

In addition, you will experience more emotional stability. If you’re interested in downshifting, here are a few things you can try:

  • Try to buy as few things as possible with a credit card. Keep track of your expenses and your budget. It is preferable to always try to pay in cash – so you know immediately how much you have withdrawn from your bank every time without having to withdraw small amounts each time. Also, use only one bank account.
  • Learn what can help you save money. For example, use all the information available on the Internet. This (often free) information can be about how you can repair or improve small things in your home yourself. This allows you to save money on things that someone else would quickly charge you for.
  • Reduce the number of products you use. Recycle your plastic and paper or repair something instead of throwing it away and replacing it.
  • If you have a car, use it as little as possible. Instead, use public transport or go by bike! If you know other people who go to the same or a nearby location, consider carpooling.
  • Try to live as close to your workplace as possible. This will save you a lot of extra time. This allows you, for example, to have more time to cook at home or do other things that you enjoy.
  • When you buy something, don’t hesitate to compare prices between one store and another. Also only buy what you really  need . In other words, give up as much of your superficial expenses as possible.
Man downshifting

Downshifting to escape work stress

As we mentioned above, living  as close to your workplace as possible can help. By not having to spend as much time driving back and forth between work and home, we can spend more time on our hobbies. This is especially important if you live in a large city.

This also means that you no longer have to spend so much time on difficult traffic situations. Fewer traffic jams, fewer accidents – so less frustration! In addition, you avoid large crowds on the metro or the bus when you travel by public transport. Either way, you will experience less stress in your life.

By just reducing the stress of commuting to and from work, you can enjoy your work more. This allows you to start the working day less tired and with more energy for personal plans. 

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