Fear Of Change: How Do You Free Yourself From It?

Fear of change: how do you free yourself from it?

Fear of change can make life quite difficult. However, you are by no means the only one who suffers from it. There are many more people like you, and this is for a reason. Being afraid of change can be helpful in some situations, but it can also paralyze you. Let’s take a closer look at this problem.

Sometimes our fear of change can help us adapt to certain situations, but it can also be an obstacle. It’s something you learn as you grow up. Perhaps you got it from your parents, your experiences, teachers, friends and society.

Sometimes we don’t even dare to change, even if it’s obvious that it’s necessary.

Most people are afraid of change because they see it as a risk. They therefore choose to stay in a bad but familiar situation rather than take a risk and confront the unknown. That way, however, they choose to stay in their comfort zone.

Man standing next to a pole

The comfort zone

The comfort zone is a mental state in which you feel comfortable and safe. This is because it is a trusted state, so you know what to expect. The comfort zone can also refer to a physical location. This location is then linked to your sense of security and mental comfort, which does not necessarily imply a sense of well-being.

The comfort zone itself is basically not a negative place. It only becomes negative if you linger in it while you know that this is actually not useful. It can hinder your personal growth and happiness. So if it gets in the way of your growth, you should ask yourself whether it’s wise to stay in your comfort zone.

How do you do that? You can start by thinking about the reasons behind your behavior. What do you want to achieve with it? Do you stay in your comfort zone out of habit or necessity? Is it because of fear, comfort or safety?

Not making changes can make it seem like the risks are lessening. However, this is not always the case.

If you stay where you are, you risk never being happy or getting where you want to be in life. It can be scary or even terrifying to take that first step, but it’s only because it’s a step into the unknown.

Fear of change

Why is change so scary? How many times have you turned down an opportunity because you didn’t dare to take a risk? Most of us have done this several times in our lives.

Sometimes we consciously choose to stay in an unpleasant situation. We do this to prevent the possible negative consequences of change. In doing so, however, we also ignore the possible positive consequences. And this is at the expense of our happiness.

Being careful is usually a positive and helpful attitude. It keeps us safe in certain situations. If you don’t take a risk, you can’t win, but you can’t lose either. You remain in the normality that you yourself have created. However, life is constantly changing and sometimes you have to take risks to grow personally, professionally or financially.

Change feels uncomfortable because it comes with uncertainty. This means that it is impossible to predict the results or consequences. The results can be either positive or negative. The question is whether there are situations in which it is necessary to take certain risks. It’s usually not that bad.

Woman looking through her fingers

How can you face the risks of change?

This question can be difficult to answer. There is no secret formula that you can just apply. Any change can turn out in multiple ways, some of which don’t depend on you. This is something to keep in mind, but don’t let it put you off.

Your fear of change is completely valid. Fear is an emotion that warns us of possible danger. You have to listen to it to understand what it wants to tell you, but at the same time you also have to listen to yourself.

A good exercise is to give that fear a name. Give it a face. Once you do that, it will be easier to know what terrain you are entering. Asking yourself why you need to make the change and what the change is for will give you the strength you need to take on the challenge.

Taking risks to grow

It’s not that you have to constantly take every risk that comes your way. However, if you feel like some area of ​​your life isn’t quite right, take a risk to create change.

It is always wise to exercise caution when making decisions that cause change. However, don’t allow this caution to keep you stuck in a situation that makes you uncomfortable, or hinders your personal growth.

Woman walking a road alone

Sometimes it’s not a matter of making a big change. Sometimes it’s the little thing that little by little makes a big difference. The main thing is to know this, find the necessary strength to move forward and be courageous.

Don’t let your fear of change limit you. You are responsible for your own happiness. It depends on you whether you choose to be happy or not. 

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