Forget These Seven Ideas To Find Happiness

Forget these seven ideas to find happiness

Our quest for happiness is something that defines us all as humans. But in our quest for happiness, we often encounter an enemy that stands in our way. This enemy is ourselves, as a result of the limitations we impose on ourselves, with or without intention.

Many people cling to certain ideas, thinking that this is what they need to do to be happy,  when in reality this is only limiting their capacity to be truly happy. Misdefining “happiness” is their first mistake, because – as James E. Talmage wrote, being able to tell the difference between happiness and pleasure is one of the biggest problems people face.

Break those chains to find happiness

Because of the way we live today  , being happy means not doing more or achieving more. What you really should be doing is freeing yourself,  stop doing so much and forget about certain behavior patterns. In the age of freedom, we are still tied to a lot of invisible chains that keep us from being ourselves.


Breaking those chains and letting go of those ideas can bring you so much closer to happiness than anything else. These are the ideas you should leave behind:

1. Stop looking for validation from others

Start thinking about what you want and don’t let it depend on other people’s opinions. Don’t let others manipulate your decisions or organize your life. Live according to your own values. If you allow yourself to be influenced by other people’s opinions, you are doing things for them, according to their interests. But what about your interests?

2. Let go of fear and resentment

Fear and resentment will eat you up inside. You are ultimately the one who gets punished and makes yourself unhappy, who is responsible for the damage done by others. Learn to make peace with the people who have hurt you. If you forgive them , you will feel better. The people who make you angry have control over you. Take back control by letting go of resentment and forgiving others.


3. Let go of the idea of ​​perfection

The pursuit of perfection is very honorable in some aspects, if you are talking about spiritual aspects. To love and appreciate perfection is also commendable. But living for perfection is quite another. Therefore, try to stop preoccupied yourself with things like having the perfect body, the perfect partner, the perfect life, the perfect things. This constant quest for perfection can lead to an obsession, slow you down and keep you from making progress.

4. Stop thinking money equals happiness

You’ve probably heard it before: money doesn’t buy happiness. To justify their unhappiness, many people still say ‘maybe not, but it does help’. However, what really makes these people unhappy is their inability to find purpose in their lives. Money and happiness have nothing to do with each other. What defines happiness is the way you value the things you have and have experienced, regardless of what things or experiences they are.

5. Stop making excuses

Don’t make up excuses. If something isn’t right, do something about it. If you need something that you don’t have, do what you must to get it. If what you need is not within your powers, look for an alternative.

If you want to do something or learn something, what are you waiting for? If you don’t like something, change it. And if you can’t change it, change yourself. Do you want results? What are you waiting for then?

6. Don’t be so stubborn

Don’t be stubborn. Admit once and for all your mistakes, your erroneous thoughts, and your unproductive attitudes. Admitting and correcting your mistakes does not make you weaker. When you are less stubborn and rigid, you will be more open to positive changes and more flexible in dealing with problems.

7. Free yourself from your emotional baggage

Loading yourself with negative feelings about past experiences will only make it more difficult to move on. Stop living in the past. Learn, forgive and move on so that you can be happy. The burden of pain will cause you to be unable to recognize the possibilities that push you and misunderstand the people who come your way.

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