Four Ways To Connect With People

Four ways to connect with people

Every relationship starts with a connection. This is how friendships begin and love blossoms. Knowing how to connect with others helps us be better friends, or better lovers, partners, and employers. It also helps us to make more of an impact in the lives of others and enriches our own lives.

Connecting with others helps us grow in our careers as it allows us to reach out to others, whether it’s closing a deal, motivating our colleagues or communicating more effectively.

In principle, it is easy to connect with people who are not much different from us. If we have the same interests and personality, it’s easy to connect, but  doing the same with people who are very different from us is more difficult.

We should not strive to only have relationships where the connection is easy. In fact, we often have to communicate with people we find it difficult to connect with, but it’s important to do it anyway. A successful relationship with your colleague, your employer, your client, your child, your student, your neighbors and even your partner depends on this.

How do you connect with everyone you meet?

Being good at making commitments will get your relationships off to a good start. It will solve problems, contribute to solutions  and make your personal and professional life easier with a greater chance of success. Below are a few good ways to get started.

pay attention

Something as simple as listening intently and paying close attention can be the key to making a connection  from the start and sticking to that connection later. Actively listening to someone shows a clear message: that you are interested in them.

If you don’t listen, or if you don’t seem to be listening, you are sending the opposite message: you are not interested in him/her, he/she is not important enough to you to spend even a minute of your time with them .

To actively listen, you need to make eye contact with the speaker. People who make eye contact are better able to connect with others, as this is a sign of interest, respect, and confidence.

Eye contact

It is also important to ignore external stimuli that threaten to disrupt the conversation. For example, instead of answering your phone or checking your messages immediately after receiving them, put your phone on silent. If someone else wants your attention, politely ask them to wait.

Pay attention to feedback and ask questions

To improve your ability to connect with others, it’s important to pay close attention to the feedback you receive. A good way to do this is to ask questions that focus on getting to know the other person, because people like to talk about themselves.

When you give other people a chance to talk about themselves and you actively listen to them, you give them a chance to open up to you, share the best of themselves with you and show who they are or how they are. want others to see them.

Even if you don’t talk much about yourself, the other person will feel like they had an excellent conversation with you. Even if he/she didn’t learn anything about you, he/she will feel like he/she has a lot in common with you.

Do you remember what people are called

We all know people who are really bad with names, but this is not a good way to connect with people. If you’re bad with names, you should do everything you can to remember the names of the people you meet. Remembering  someone’s name is key to making them feel important and building an effective connection with them.

Calling people by their name conveys a message of importance, respect and trust. When you call someone by their name, you make them feel important. And if they feel important, they will be more open and receptive to you.

To talk

Try not to look like you know everything

When you talk to other people, sometimes you want to show that you are educated and knowledgeable. It can be difficult for some people to admit that they are learning something for the first time, but this can be a barrier to accepting advice and improving your skills and people might think you are arrogant and not about humility has.

To make a good connection, you need to be aware of your own ego and control your behavior. You must be willing to learn from others. Try not to look like you know everything.

Instead of focusing on proving yourself, worry about the other person. Value his/her words, be encouraging and positive, and offer support and help. Let him/her know that you appreciate and care about him/her. Small details like remembering a date or asking about someone they care about is a very effective way to connect with others.

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