Four Yoga Poses To Sleep Better

Four yoga poses to sleep better

Insomnia is one of the most common problems in the western population. Factors such as stress, a poor diet and an unhealthy lifestyle make it difficult for many people to sleep as much and deeply as they need. If you recognize yourself in this, then this article with four yoga poses for better sleep may be very useful for you.

Of course, there are plenty of resources available today to combat insomnia. For example, one thing you can do is drink certain infusions before going to bed. And you also always have the option to take sleeping pills to fight insomnia. Nevertheless, we believe that yoga is perhaps one of the best means for a better night’s sleep.

It doesn’t matter which one you choose, as long as you do something to fix this problem. Insomnia not only causes problems in performing daily activities, but it also has a negative effect on your physical and mental health.

What are Yoga Poses?

Yoga poses, also called asanas, are basically exercises designed to have a beneficial effect on the body and mind. In eastern countries, people have been practicing yoga for thousands of years. Recently, however, it has also become popular in Europe and the West.

It combines the benefits of meditation with those of exercise. Because of this, it can also be a very powerful ally against insomnia.

Yoga poses are generally calm and slow movements. And because yoga forces you to focus on your body, it can be very relaxing. However, each asana has a different effect on the body. So they are not always beneficial for the same thing. Let’s see which asanas can help you sleep better.

Yoga poses for better sleep

The best yoga poses for better sleep

According to experts, these are the best yoga poses for better sleep:

  • The Easy Pose or Sukhasana .
  • Standing Forward Bend or Uttanasana .
  • Legs Against the Wall or Viparita Karani .
  • Alternative Nasal Breathing or Nadi Shondhana .

Let’s take a look at them.

1. The easy pose

As the name implies, Sukhasana is one of the best yoga poses for beginners. If you’ve never tried yoga but want to get rid of your insomnia, it’s best to start with this exercise.

The pose is very simple. Simply sit cross-legged (the pose many associate with yoga), then lower your upper body forward. The goal is to stretch your arms and back as much as possible. If you’re really limber, you can probably touch the ground with your forehead.

This is one of the best yoga poses for sleeping better as it relaxes your entire body and opens the hips. This creates a feeling of well-being that makes you fall asleep faster.

2. Standing Forward Bend

The second asana that we want to share with you is not called ‘easy pose’, but it is still very simple to do. Stand up straight with your legs apart. Then bend your upper body forward and try to touch the floor with the palms of your hands. If you are very flexible, you can even try to reach the ground with your forearms.

This pose is not only beneficial for insomnia, but can also help to combat other problems, such as stress or headaches. In addition, it makes your legs more flexible and stronger.

Yoga poses for better sleep

3. Legs against the wall

This yoga pose is also suitable for beginners. To perform the asana properly, you do need a wall. The benefits of this exercise are very interesting. By keeping your body upside down, circulation improves. This is again beneficial to relieve stress. And if you stay in this position for at least five minutes, it will even help you fall asleep faster and easier.

The Viparita Karani is very easy to do. You just need to lie on the floor with your back down, buttocks and hips against the wall, then keep your legs up against the wall. To keep your balance, you can put your arms by your side.

4. Alternative Nasal Breathing

The last asana we recommend is one of the most effective breathing exercises to combat insomnia. The exercise is also known as alternative nasal breathing. It involves breathing in through one nostril while keeping the other nostril closed. Then do the same on the other side.

Exercise to sleep better

You can do this exercise sitting or lying down, as long as the position is comfortable. Either way, if you do it right, you will find that your body relaxes very quickly.

Yoga offers all kinds of useful exercises to counteract various mental and physical ailments. These yoga poses for better sleep are especially effective for fighting insomnia. However, they will also be very helpful if you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. 

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