Grandchildren: A Legacy Of Love

Grandchildren: A Legacy of Love

They say you don’t really know what true love is until your first grandchildren come into the world. It’s a bond that’s deeper than blood, it’s the unity of two generations that leaves a lasting emotional bond, because there’s nothing more satisfying than being a grandchild and a grandparent later in life.

With the arrival of these new family members, the relationship between the parents and the children changes: if it used to be wonderful to be a mother, it will be even more wonderful to become a mother of a mother. It is another stage in life that is enriching for everyone, where differences shrink and bonds strengthen.

The union of two distant generations is sometimes more intense and special than that of closer generations. The roles are relaxed and a unique language is developed, a mutual understanding,  of the love that permeates afternoon snacks and bedtime stories.

Grandma and Baby

The arrival of grandchildren and the creation of a new band

A unique story develops between every grandparent, parent and grandchild, in which every family member plays a fixed role. These days we all know that  grandparents are very important to the well-being of their grandchildren, but there is always the question of whether they also have an obligation to raise the children.

In a community, we are all ultimately responsible for the education of future generations, starting with the parents, then the school and even the media. But  grandparents have already fulfilled that responsibility of raising their own children and now, with their grandchildren, they deserve a more relaxed role  based on caring and emotional legacy.


According to a study by the University of Oxford, grandparents play an important role in the daily lives of their grandchildren. The Spanish Ministry of Health has come to the same conclusion and even goes a step further and considers them as fundamental players in the functioning of the country.

The role of grandparents in today’s society

Today, grandparents are considered important figures in society. Life expectancy is higher and in most households both mothers and fathers work, so that the care of the children also falls on the shoulders of the grandparents.

It has been proven that the psychological well-being of the children is much stronger if their grandparents have an active role in their lives.

Grandparents are also essential in single-parent or unemployed parent households. The emotional and economic support that parents give to their children is positively reflected in their children. Grandparents stand out as important, positive figures in this case.

The Importance of Grandchildren in Their Grandparents’ Lives

Not only do grandparents gain continuity and transcendence through their grandchildren, but they also see their own lives changed within their position.

Aging should not be defined solely by material achievements a person has achieved during his lifetime. The process of aging wisely involves understanding that the most important things in life are the bonds we create,  through which we appreciate the emotional riches that remain with us when they are no longer here.

Grandma Reads Out

The legacy of a grandparent is gratitude

Teaching children to be grateful for everything they have is one of the best legacies  a grandparent can leave behind. Interestingly enough, the most common criticism of older people is that they give children too many presents. They secretly give them money and sweets, even if they are not special days.

Grandparents are wise and they know that the best legacy they can leave to new generations is an emotional footprint.

Showing gratitude is a wonderful gift for learning the appreciation of others. It is teaching children to appreciate the value of things and to see the world in a more respectful way.

Gratitude is also making the world move a little slower, understanding that everything has its rhythm, pattern, and principle, and knowing that you can’t or shouldn’t always get what you want immediately.

Another essential aspect of being  grateful is learning to appreciate what really matters in our lives. If children understand this at a young age, we will help them grow into mature and wise persons.

Grandpa and Grandchild

–Images courtesy of Pascal Campion and Gartz Etz–

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