How To Overcome Your Fear Of Rejection

How to overcome your fear of rejection

As humans, we often fear losing our lives, our health, our social status, our money, our loved ones, our youth, and of course, the approval of others. Most of us like it and need to belong.

However, it is better not to look to others for your security; this is a dead end street. You must learn to find security and confidence in yourself. Not with others. Every look, statement or action of another can be misinterpreted as a rejection, when it doesn’t have to be.

How to deal with your fear of rejection

1. Be aware of what’s going on

Look within yourself and reflect on the thoughts you have about how rejection can affect your behavior and how your behavior can affect the way others act. That is, if you presume that you will be rejected, then most likely you will eventually. You can’t change the way you act until you really see what’s going on. Therefore, look for certain clues, not only of what is going wrong, but also of what will work for you.

2. Think about how you want to feel

Someone who feels rejected usually thinks about this constantly. He’s constantly thinking about not wanting to feel that way. He thinks about why someone rejected him. However, this is not a good idea at all. This thought pattern is a problem that you will have to solve sooner or later. You don’t want to think about the fact that you don’t want to be rejected. The point is to relax and be sure of yourself.

3. Think about how your fear of rejection arose

You must have felt rejected during your school days. Close your eyes and try to think about everything you’ve learned since then and imagine yourself as a calm child who wasn’t afraid of rejection at all. Then imagine your present-day self as a calm being, telling yourself that everything is all right. While this may feel a little strange at first, it has a huge impact on the way you felt as a child and can help you overcome these moments.

4. Above all, try to use your constructive imagination

Close your eyes and use your imagination to change your feelings and ways of acting in situations where you would normally feel insecure. Hypnosis can directly change the way you feel in certain situations and can help change the thought process that occurs when a person’s emotions are adjusted.

5. Don’t assume anything

People who never learn to question their own assumptions make their lives a lot harder than it needs to be. Don’t be so sure of what you think is going to happen or what you think you know. By letting go of these kinds of assumptions, you will be better able to relax and remember that a situation can always have both a good and a bad outcome. Try not to always assume that you will be rejected. Not knowing is the secret to being confident and enjoying life.

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